Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Like 2013 All Over Again


Apparently the pain and uncertainty of the O'Bummer years only bought us a small amount of time before many people went back to sleep and allowed the radical Femocrats to sneak in their lies and begin again. 

I really do not blame rational people for flat out hoping government and politics would just stay out of their lives and do what they are suppose to do and keep things on a constant keel. It is hard enough to deal with everyday problems without also keeping an eye on one's own government to see what problems it is going to throw at you as well.

Believe me I understand completely.

What I have observed in the recent week or so seems like a step back in time to the 2010 - 2013 time frame when the signs were there but many were still hoping against hope they could ignore them.

Shipping in my little part of this collapse is chaotic at best now. I am getting what I call ghost notices commonly. Notices that I have inventory on the way that never appear but are then added to shipments that come in later. Certain models are now shipped directly from the factory by private contractors in the middle of the night and just seem to magically appear on one of my lots. Mostly higher dollar but lower demand models but they can easily sit there for days unless I go out checking each day now. I call them my undocumented vehicles as there is no paper trail or papers unless I go in and see if we actually ordered it a few months back.

I am assuming the ghost deliveries and surprise deliveries are related to fuel price and shortages with units now waiting or being combined for efficiency rather than short term profit. Hay I am giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Pretty much all special orders from last year have been built and delivered I will say that BUT there are very few new special order paperwork notices for me to file. Damned few. Officially I am being told with supply problems many special order units are just not being offered. I see a potential bloodbath forming especially if other companies are approaching this uncertainty in the same way. 

Customers on the service side seem to also have started waning. The lot that has been filled to over flowing waiting for service work for the last few months  is now showing big gaps and some of the employees are even commenting on how slow it is getting. Maybe temporary we will see.

The general crowded nature around the Small-Hold locally has slowed remarkably. No where near the congestion on the roads or the local businesses as I experienced all Summer. Not sure exactly why for sure although I have a few suspicions. A pass by a few new developments on my commute and I counted   24 building lots that had for sale signs on them yesterday that were now removed this afternoon and that was only along the road frontage I pass the place on. There were scattered lots in other places that are now lacking for sale signs that had em earlier last month.

No word much yet about sagging infrastructure but I would bet that is coming. Looks like a sub-prime loan collapse in multiple industries and massive transport problems are here to stay for a while my Friends. Plan accordingly.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!! 



  1. When I worked in the dealership years ago I noticed that the service dept always slowed way down around this time of year. Working Flat Rate and not getting paid hourly, there were more than a few days that it actually cost me money to go to work. Stand around 8 hours with no work to do and then go home.

    1. Phil - That is true. My office is right on the tech bay area and a number of them take breaks in my office and also have one of their network printers in there so I see em all the time and converse with em alot. Things usually slow way down when the kids go back to school and then stay kinda slow until Christmas buying is done but this year repair work exploded over the Summer and got worse during back to school time and is just now beginning to slow down. Maybe nothing or just an anomaly but that particular lot has been full for months.

    2. Could it be that people are just trying to get ahead of any repairs and other work leading to the increase being seen now? A couple reasons in my mind and for which I myself are doing are I believe things will cost more going forward so get it done now and the most important, with an unknown future what issues may arise so just get it done now.

    3. Misfit - I am sure that is/was the plan actually. But how many people look that far ahead? We here are a very few overall so I imagine they got theirs done and now it is dropping off as the ones left that need work done before SHTF don't even know about what is coming.


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