Thursday, July 7, 2022

Found the Skunk


Came across her in the yard last night wandering around the place when I went to roll the windows up on my truck. Saw her laying in the road this morning on my way to work about 10 foot from my driveway. The big questions are where are the two kits and how much worse is this thing going to smell? I have not seen the kits with her or around The Small-Hold in about a week now and I have no idea where the den actually was to begin with or maybe was moved too. So far I am guessing she has sprayed recently cause the skunk smell is pretty tame even after half a day or more.

I will be honest I hope I don't ever find out at where the kits went at this point. This is one of those situations that can just remain a mystery forever. Not that I really care about skunks mind you I just don't want to have to deal with any of it. Maybe they are already weened and moved on or something.

My theory is the road right out in front of the place is probably why I have had so few issues with skunks hanging around over the years. I certainly have seen my fair share of dead ones but few incidents of residential ones hanging around for long. I guess there is a silver lining in every cloud.

If the ground hog is gone for good then it is just a matter of filling the remaining holes. I am pretty sure she is as I was down by her little grove of Mulberry trees yesterday and the area had quite a few droppings on the ground. One thing I can say is my general pest problems have been very light over the years. Let's hope it continues that way.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!


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