Saturday, November 15, 2014

Is the World Economy Collapsing?

It seems like the last few weeks I have been reading more and more articles about economic problems around the world once again. Normally I wouldn't pay too much attention to them except this time they are introducing a few new players into the mix.

Germany for one thing, which is bad since it was pretty much the financial and economic anchor for the Euro for so long. Coal has now entered the price decline story line and is even closing mines across the world. Russia of course is now having issues which are being blamed on the decreasing oil prices.

Yet as usual US debt seems to just keep plowing along like nothing is happening.

Remember my motto. It starts falling apart at the edges and the rest of the world is certainly the edges of US financial tyranny.

Martin Armstrong Blasts :We Need to Restructure the World Now"

These idiots have destroyed the world economy and we will only understand this full impact nest year. If you outlaw short-selling, there is nobody to buy during a panic. This is the same problem. The liquidity is still off by 50% from 2007. Retail participation in the US share market is at historic lows. When the global economy turns down, it will drop faster than ever before BECAUSE liquidity is not there.

Basically if I read the article correctly Armstrong is suggesting that the Femocratic Tax Attacks that have been growing lately like they are on steroids are causing world economic ripples that we will definitely feel within the next year. He also suggests that this developing issue is in fact to blame for the increase in the political police state. If so I guess the recent Republican sweeps may just egg the thing on faster.

The question is how much slowdown of the world economy can the fraud of the US financial and debt based system absorb before the lies become apparent to the average Joe?

I have always said it may if fact be the rest of the world that brings the US debt based bubble economy to it's knees. Perhaps we are seeing that right now.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



  1. Regardless of whatever's going to happen, it's pretty clear we can't keep going like we have been.

    1. RP - No we can't. I am seriously amazed they have kept it up as long as they have. Only thing I can figure is at this point those at the top all over the world are just afraid enough to keep the charade up even when they are being screwed because what will come really scares them. Kinda like the Fed taking a complete bath at buying the useless paper. It beats the alternative.

  2. It will be interesting to see the effect on the global economy when people don't go into debt this christmas season as in past years. It will eventually work it's way back to china if it is a large enough decrease. Of course areas with lots of government workers and universities will continue the spending spree but the rest of the country just doesn't have the resources to keep spending.

    1. Sf - I had to work today and got to sit in a dealership and watch a Woman buy a brand new Mustang convertible. Know what she did for a living? Well when the lot boy switched her plates they were the standard Missouri issue teacher's plates they specially make for em.

      I am just sure she has been saving for years to afford it and all, especially since her trade in was maybe a 2010 model.

  3. According to 'official' figures Germany narrowly missed recession having growth of 0.1 percent. Convenient that!
    Russia is broke. The government there relies for 45 percent of its revenue on oil and gas exports. In a little over a month the value of that has dropped by 20 percent. The rouble is tanking and the Russian central bank has bought tons of gold just to get rid of the roubles!
    Putin may well be ousted and I wouldn't be surprised at a military coup there as the military won't see the country and their forces bankrupt twice.
    With the EU and the USA though, never underestimate their ability to kick the putrid can of mouldy financial crud down the road! There are still plenty of pension funds to loot and savings to steal yet!
    One thing is for sure is that when it does most people will be totally unprepared and things will not be pretty.

    1. Ro - As far as I can see it things will be fine as long as US dollars continue to buy stuff. The dollar doesn't need to collapse for the stuff supply to dry up though if the other countries cannot produce. The government could indeed begin raiding retirement accounts but if there is nothing for that money to get them what are they going to do with it? The welfare state they have created presents the government with two problems. Not only does it have to have the money to give out but it also has to have the goods and services for that money to purchase. They can keep the illusion going number-wise but can they keep the actual goods flowing? What happens when people have money but the rest of the world cannot afford to produce?

  4. SO WHAT!!??? Warren Buffet will lose money. Birchwood Hathaway might go broke. The Bush family might not be able to afford to buy the next election. The Russian mob might fail? WHO CARES!!?? If the whole thing resets today, the poor will still be poor. The Rich will still be rich. Food will still grow. Rain will fall, and the world will turn. Unless you have millions in the NYSE, the collapse of the global banking dictatorship is another non-event that will effect you far less than the evil ones want you to believe. If the paper in your wallet is worthless in the morning , silver will still be silver, gold will still be gold. The bees will still make honey , your cow will give milk , your Wife will still love you, your rifle will fire. Chillax!! The "global economic cat-ass-trophy". is Y2K 2.0. It won't do much to us peasants.----Ray

    1. Ray - In an ideal world you are correct it shouldn't effect us peasants. However 90% of the people in the US rely on the government for everything and about 70% of those don't even know it. The bees may make honey and the food may grow but will it be enough without outside inputs? Will the pensioners, SS people and welfare recipients have anyway to pay for it and what will they do when they don't? What will the government do to make the 90% stop rioting? Those are the questions of a world economic collapse I fear.

    2. P.P. I guess I get my "'tude" from experience. I have herd "the sky is falling" all my life. I watched the riots in the 60's70's80's and 90's and realized "they" will riot no matter what happens, the rest won't. The "welfare" folks will work or starve. Most will work , some will steal , some will starve. Many will die who would have died without government to keep them alive. Things will reset to a natural condition. The violent will be violent, and the regular folks will form tribes and towns, maybe even with walls, and deal with what comes . You suffer from a symptom of "modern world" cultural thinking , you think that this is the only stable and peaceful civilization that can exist. The truth is that our "civilization" is a purely artificial construct imposed on the people of the earth , solely to grant power to a few "elite families". "Government" "global monetary systems" and "stable money" are the problems, not the solution. Maybe the "golden age" is passing . Maybe not. Do what you can now to form a community, build for the common good. Hell build walls if you think you need 'em. All civilizations fall . Maybe it's our time and maybe not , but nothing we can do will effect the global system, or how the "big players" see us or each other. We can only tend our own fields, and help where we can, when we can.

    3. Ray - I certainly didn't think you had a "Tude". For the most part I have been claiming the same things you write but with one exception. Never before have so many people been directly attached to government largess. That is the problem that is going to set the stage for the greatest calamity in history, or at the very least cause us the most problems until things sort themselves out.

      I sense you have faith in the peasants and that is a good thing because I too have that same faith but the shock to the system is going to be great and cause a lot of teeth gnashing, theft, government strong arming and general mayhem until all of us realize that we are not entitled to everyone else's labor.

      Just go to about any blog and comment that Social Security and public pensions are theft and see what kind of response you get. That kind of attitude is not going to die quietly.

  5. The small town I live in is lamenting the fact that sales tax revenues are down. They have raised rates on water, sewer and just about everything else and now disappointed that sales are down!!! Can't fix stupid. Not everyone has piles of money laying around to spend shopping.

    1. JMD - Around here the towns and small cities go the US government route. They mess witht he numbers until they get something they can call success or they just don't mention it. However you can tell they are out snooping to try and find more stuff to tax. Of course there are enough government employees and colleges nearby to keep some people buying yet.


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