
Monday, January 15, 2024

Still Here

Just a quick note to say we are still here and alive in case you are wondering. We started getting hit with the Arctic Air last Thursday and it was a steady -20 from there on even as most of the rest of the country was getting daily snow storms. The forecast hasn't really changed but by Saturday I realized we were gonna be dangerously short on small er wood by Sunday and when I tried to switch the splitter decided it was to cold so I have been making things work even while it remained -25 degrees.

Reports are claiming it is suppose to make it to 15 tomorrow and maybe 30 by Wednesday and a short above freezing relapse by the weekend but if it stays above zero I am happy.

My red hen is now missing in action and disappeared this afternoon some time but I suspect she is hiding with the goats on one of there top floors. My oldest Ewe is also missing now too. the sheep have just found a hay bale and burrowed down into it and basically said screw the barn and negatibe 25 degree crap for this year.

I have taken to wearing my Carhearts to bed and huddling up to space heaters myself.

USA should send some tactical Nukes to Canada newt week!!!


Keep Prepping Everyone!!! 




  1. Yikes! That's crazy cold! We've been cold for us (TN), but nothing like your temperatures. Yesterday, my hens wouldn't even come out to eat, so I ended up catering their meal in the henhouse. It's supposed to be even colder today :-(

  2. I'm glad you're okay. We've had mostly rain, but the frigid air is set to invade any time now. Not looking forward to that. Just think of how cold it would be if it wasn't for global warming!

  3. Stop your snivelling, PP! It’s unmanly! Or would you like some more?

    Went out for half a pipe last night and it’s finally warming up. I’ll be sending you some warmer weather down in a week or so.

    I hope you recapture your strays soon.

  4. Subzero + inversion... fun times. Not really, but trying to remain positive. January always sends a reminder that it is still winter. We're getting our winter snow late but at least it is good snow with moisture. This last storm was like styrofoam due to the cold.

    Stay warm & safe. And hope your awol critters show up.

  5. The People's Republic of Oregon is also frozen. We are never prepared for extended temperatures below 30. This is the only year I can remember that I did not bring in enough wood. Damp oak is not the best source of heat.


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