
Monday, January 29, 2024

End of Jan 2024

 Made it to almost the end of Winter Although I am not sure how.  By sum miracle my roof repairs survived the unusual white outs and sudden blizzards of early January as did my last minute hay hauling and water shuffling as well. All the live stock has survived and I hope make it until I add in a few more hens and such.  My goal for this year is really maintaining the place as much as possible until the end.

I have even began picking out this years produce and of course I need to get the pluming damage taken care of before Autumn. Everything is still flowing fine but a couple of pipes lost some sides I will need to get fixed and a new water heater is in order too. The real problem in an timing it was really a bad time period for me as the government wants me to just retire and the old financial system is really trying to take all my remaining assets they can in fees.

End result is I am still up in the air yet.

Who knows how this crazy mess is gonna end? 

More coming soon!!! 

Keep prepping Everyone!!!!




  1. Hang in there PP. crazy times can’t last forever…

    1. What happened to your Thunderbox? I miss it.

    2. Me too. I can't get into Gab on my work computer, and I'm too busy at home to get on the home computer more often than not...

    3. Yeah, Glen, but I'm reaching the point where they may outlast ME!

    4. ya gpnna taKE ME MONTHS TO get things straitened out

  2. I need a new job. I suspect I will have to create one.

  3. I feel the same way, PP. I've told my wife several times that by the time all is said and done, everything I own and have in the bank will be taxed and fee'ed right out from under me. "They" won't rest until they have it all...

    It's been said that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned... I believe a MAN with nothing left to lose can do that one better...

  4. I am thinking of poasting again


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