
Sunday, December 3, 2023

Sunday Reading


Things seem to have slowed down ALOT around here lately. The morning glut in traffic has slowed down quite a bit along with the full parking lots and over full gas slips all day. Not really sire why as the roads don't seem any less congested. The garage across the gravel road still has it's lights on day and night and sometimes adds lights trough the night like someone is staying there. To be honest my onetime idea of parking old junk tractors and leaving em on the road in front of that place now seems pointless as that operation has done that themselves. Somewhere back there they must have dug a lake though as I see Geese flying down there pretty regularly some. No kids though which makes me wonder and no one too worried about an electric bill either obviously.

I saw em working on the "industrial building" until late in the night the other night too. Still no employees in sight either. Not sure where they can even hire any close either....

A lot of time and money tied up there if ask me.

It never warmed up much or stopped raining for long either the last week or so that I saw. Just more cold and wet keeping me holed up.

Maybe this afternoon I will get out and reload the hay for the sheep.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!

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