
Sunday, November 12, 2023

Sunday Reading


Can't really say I did much today. Linda took the day off and started moving some stuff in prep for moving the garden around come Fall. Mostly just removed corn kernels for saving more seed and read up on Eastern Blue Birds a bit trying to see why I seem to have a new beginning of a miniflock which doesn't seem to be moving on for Winter.

Turns out Eastern Blue birds do stay around the area all Winter and are supposedly becoming more populated over the last few years. So apparently all normal. I did notice a drastic reduction in traffic but that maybe isolated however with out massive machine use not much seems to happen with the new settlers out this way anymore.

Just taking an easy weekend and figuring out what I wanna do next while trying to get a handle on where all the old blogs I remember following over the last few years has gone too.  Seems so many are gone lately it can't lust be my imagination.


Keep Prepping Everyone!!

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