
Monday, October 16, 2023

Where is Everybody?


woke up this morning before dawn and I knew something was up immediately as the sheep were laying in the barn lot looking out into the hay field and the Goats were right up against the gate that leads into the porch area.

When I went out on the porch my alarm went off to 1985 from the radio-alarm which made me chuckle as it was a song my son used to prank me with every chance he got and about that time  the hay field erupted with what seemed to be a 1000 voice chorus of yipping Coyotes from across the entire field.  Spooked the Goats bad and upset the hens in the coop too.


The sheep normally don't pay attention to coyotes unless they have lambs to take care of in tow and we haven't had that issue in some years thank fully.  But they were looking...

It was about that time I was attacked by several barn cats who also were not very happy about the coyotes. Most of these barn cats I we have came to join us after a death in their family. My mother had a soft spot for taking orphaned barn cats as her friends passed on during the Covid scamdemic and I have just allowed them to stay myself. The barn cats settled down after the coyotes moved on, which they did quickly after they figured out I was awake. Today was actually the last Vet day too and I had to capture one of the barn cats for his visit anyway. 

This is a yearly ritual I am happy in done now finally. 

Once at work I had to find the six vehicles that were brought in Saturday night sometime. Seems I had a delivery scheduled for last Monday that never showed and lead me to call all over Friday to much run around. The load mysteriously was reported as showing up Saturday which it never did and I reported it again Saturday night, which again moved the trucking company to update it to late night. By Sunday night they assured me it did make it and I finally found it as far to the back of our dealerships property as it is was possible to get too this morning. 

I was so far back I could listen to the Murder of Crows flying around over the street noise and watched a few wood ducks playing in the local creek while out there. 

It seems like everyone has no time or employee's to spare these days, or at least that was the final excuse given for the late delivery. While at work today I had at least three messages asking me if I had time to come and remove trees for coworkers and old customer yard's that knew I used to do that often when I was running my wood furnace a few years back. No anyone available anymore it seems. 

All I can think of is "join the club" I don't seem to have time for anything these days...

After waiting for year to let the Scamdemic price inflation to die off and this Summer of storms I am so far behind on getting things done it;s criminal.. Look like we are getting into two wars now...

I did start emptying my stock tanks today but with all the work I see people needing here abouts it could be a long ans needy Winter without more available Men Folk around...


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



  1. Went down for the mail today and heard a different kind of noise, I looked up and thought for a second it was a flock of Snow Geese but the then noticed the legs were as long as the necks. Cranes. Probably Whooping Cranes although we do have Sandhill cranes migrating through too. But these were huge and in a flock of maybe 20 or 30.
    Some landed on the water reservoir 200 yards away. We normally aren't on the their regular flyway but I suspect there is snow in the north and they are catching a southerly flow to warmer climes. Used to see them down at the farm.

    1. Polimath - I heard there is a northerner pushing down already hitting the Dakota;s suppose to be in Mo this weekend!!

  2. Coyotes... That's where your hens went last time out, PP... Coyotes are a part of the landscape out herein the Wild West. They've pretty much left my hens alone since I bulletproofed the chicken coop, but I have a 100lb desert tortoise in the corral, and I found coyote prints all around its burrow last week. Wile E. got fourteen of my birds last year...
    ...They're always there, whether you think they are or not...

    1. Pete - could be, usually the coyotes wont come past the fence unless there is deep snow though. Coons are my biggest chicen killers usually or neibohood dogs.

  3. Thank you Joker. I try I have really been pressed for time recently :( though


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