
Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Never Seen It Grow Like This....

I have never seen my  Diversion tactic Tobacco plants grow like this before. End of November and they have no only survived the windstorms of July but then regrew themselves back up and re-flowered to add more for next year. I got one on the porch that survived a rather aggressive horn worm attack and then regrew it's leaves and is now setting new flowers. 

I shouldn't have any issues with losing available new plant seeds again for a while.

All day long I have read about or listened to apocalypse theories from the war watchers who are convinced WWIII is starting with missile strikes tonight to Heliographic mystics that are sure we are in the middle of some intergalactic minimum set to tear us apart due to the moon alignments of outer celestial bodies. I am not making fun of any belief mind you just no other way to state it. 

What bothers me the most right now is our government's willingness to give a free hand to financial institutions with the words climate change mixed in as much possible as to allow them to make calls as they see fit that could easily leave people open for foreclosures and the like.Remember government liens are rarely wiped during a foreclosure and the government has been land greedy since day one... Ask anyone out West how much...

If half of what I read comes true these Democrats are gonna want money so much they will rob us blind and call it Climate Change required...

In the end I recommend growing as much as anyone can and plan on helping you neighbors as much as possible, Our strength will always be as a community in the end just as God intended.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. Good job on the 'baccy PP. Do you mind if I come down and stuff a few leaves into my pipe? HAR HAR HAR!!!

    So, what strain is that? I know there is Virginia's Kentucky's Burley's and maybe one or two others and I only know enough to be dangerous. Is that cigarette tobacco? Cigar? Are pipe and cigar tobaccos different?

    I am smoking some home grown tobacco from my buddy Flapz, down in BC... and it was kind of nasty when it was new... but after aging a bit it is just mellowing right out...

    1. Filthy - If I found out a while back Canada doen't like it when we mail plants that much. I thing Buryl is on;y a color I have seen somTobbacco clled Blond and Red

  2. PP, that is pretty cool that the Tobacco is still going. We are in for a cold snap next week, which I think will pretty much do in the Summer garden.

    I do wonder if the banks and government simply run out of money before they can do their worst. Be a keen time for some third party or group of nations to want to cash out and demand payment.

    1. TB - I kind think the UAW is playing a fast one now honestly.


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