
Sunday, October 29, 2023

A Cold Nasty Day

 As it seems more and more typical these days I got some kind of error message " says I can't use my own files without OK Google too" and couldn't even go and locate my usual Sunday Reading pic to put on here and that I have used almost every Sunday for something like 15 years now. I am not this inept at the Intranets or computers something is going on and these blogger type services are changing stuff around and messing it up I am convinced. Maybe I am just some out of touch old conspiracy theorist I guess but it seems to come awful regular these days to be just me. 


I think the Democrat government is at play here my self. They prolly made it turn cold and rainy too..

Cold and rainy it certainly did. SO cold in fact my grey Hen isn't even trying her evening games of hide and seek but goes into the coop voluntarily now ready to snuggle in with the other hens. Egg production has dropped and all the critters now stay mostly in the barn inside, including myself who has been in front of the computer all day. I should be out cutting wood but cold rain really kills my motivation. They are actually forecasting below freezing temps the next two days. Gonna need to move some more hay bales out soon I think.

I finally got my login stuff assigned to me Saturday and the IT guy said the home office accused me of never having worked there.  I admitted that I get that alot and told him that I just tell em when it happens to talk to owner (who was right there when it happened). Without blinking an eye he said "All this time I been telling them I never heard of you before" HAHA I can see him doing that too.

The IT guys and HR women just starred at me side eye as usual. They say I don't have a company email and so cannot actually work there what they keep failing to notice is I do have one it was set up by the original IT guy years ago and is just my phone email. I have just never had issues with it nor needed to change it. I thought everyone got the It-wars out of their system years ago and we were past it but it seems these days IT and HR are chomping at the bit to bring those problem days back. Sometime back in the 90's everyone knew that the best way to keep things working was to make sure the people who relied on the info to get the job done had the info they needed to do it. No one has more motive but now the ideas seem to be different once again. These days they seem to want to go back to hidden ADMIN Codes for everything. Nothing but trouble if ya ask me.

I guess you could call me the old Army type of guy, who thinks it is a good thing if the Platoon Sgt. knows where the LT;s codes are hidden when the LT goes down kinda thing.... But that's old man thinking and like me out of fashion these days I guess.

I spent the rest of the day finding problem children that started streaming in when they came to their Strike agreement. The nature of my problem children changed suddenly back to the old problems I know how to deal with but I still needed the new passwords to do it. Why things changed is way above my pay grade I am just happy to be able to get my work done in a timely manner again....

Well I am sure we are going to experiencing new Normal type stuff soon...


Keep Prepping Everyone!!! 


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