
Friday, September 8, 2023

Which Way Is This Going?


I still can't say for certain which direction locally the new vehicle supply is heading for us yet. Deliveries did seem to slow down this week but not appreciatively. I did read one blogger who claims that the big manufacturers are purposefully leaving add ons (like keyless entry etc.) off a number of new vehicles now lower price which I have noticed in many of lower end models like say Edges and Escapes some time ago and mentioned here, but he also claimed back end fleet sales to Government and private fleets are up but being hidden by just running them through as normal sales.

I guess that is possible I wouldn't see that if it was true unless they were doing it with new vehicles right off a transport.

Another blogger flat out mentioned that the auto industry claimed to have something over 3.5 million autos stored in inventory in 2019 and we are currently sitting at less than half that now. I disagreed with that claim initially as I know we have many more autos stored now than we ever had back then but the I remembered the automakers having literal sports arenas full of vehicles before the scamdemic. Maybe there is something to that claim.

Anyway that blogger claimed that the big three auto makers are pushing forward to getting at least 1.5 million autos in inventory this year before they are going to stop. I guess that is possible but if so they way it's shaping up it's going to be totally supported by the dealers.

Going to be interesting with the loans and financing problems and the new student loan debt I would imagine. 

As I keep pointing out this Winter is just gonna be a big wait and see game I think. 


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!




  1. I know I can't afford even a 2019 truck or car if they sold it at a discount with the finance rate so high and I don't want a car loan or any loan right now with the state of the state. I am with $280 dollars of paying off my credit card and it gets sliced in half and canceled.

    1. Cederq - I agree and trust me you are not alone or even in a minority from what I have seen and heard.

  2. Just a quick question... How are the new Ford Broncos? Are they real expensive and any problems with them? I know that they have different types but just wondering.

    1. Anon - I am assuming you are asking about the full sized Broncos and not the smaller Bronco Sport. The techs all tell me they don't have all the info for the engines yet but personally I like them. They are one of the few fords I don't have size problems in or issues getting in and out of now days. They do have a lot of addons that can be made plug and play ready hidden here and there (like extra speaker cases that sort of thing) What I don't like are the plastic fender and other flares and roofs as they can get damaged easily. People use that excuse all the time after they take em off roading and scratching em up too. They can be quite pricey though but very roomy and comfortable.

    2. Thank you very much for the info. Been looking at them but undecided as of now. I would not be going off roading, so the bumperrs would be not an issue again thank you. long time reader first time commenting, Suzy

    3. PP again. I hafta admit I do like the look of the full size Broncos but they do charge for them.

    4. I have noticed that they are pricey what are your thoughts on a different type of suv type vehicle? I am looking but getting a bit confused on some of the vehicles. Too much out there but I am weighing the differences. Suzy

    5. Anon- The differences between like say the ones with the bay name and the desert ones are mostly just an add on options avalable but many of them do have some useful features. I don't know each one off the top of my head as I only look at the check list but there are some models that appeal to off roadrs, hikers etc. for various reasons. I will be happy to look up and ask a sales man for any model you mention and tell you any thing I hear when I ask.

    6. Thanks I will let you know when I find the one I am interested in. You are a very good man for helping me out. Will keep you informed. Again thanks for your time and knowledge. Suzy Upstate New York. P.S. have relatives in Missouri St Charles region Aunts Uncles and many cousins

    7. Suzy - I know some of those model names really only differ in paint color like the blues are sometimes different within and for the bay and harbor names. My opinion top priority is look over the plastic fender flares and roof closely I had especial trouble with those when the factory got back into producing them. They can scratch with a dirty look.

    8. They also resist the usual so called repair methods and then go back to showing the scratched area sometimes hours later after they look fine.

    9. that is very interesting will keep that in mind. Thank you Much knowledge and greatly appreciated. Suzy


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