
Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Suddenly Millions of Sith Voices Cried out in Terror and then Were Silenced.


I had a feeling something like this was getting ready to happen. For months now I been contemplating why so many companies were bowing down to the Dark liberal-ness of the Sith to the point of killing themselves financially even. 

I mean we understand the complete stupidity of BiteMe selling off oil reserves and destroying pipelines.  The vote buying green tactics of other Western Sith destroying agriculture and handing out money to buy as much Ag land as possible to leave regular Americans without, The constant push and hype for electric vehicles no matter how much it hurts the economy. 

Then as the BRICK meeting comes to an end they drop the final hammer blow.  


 Oil Soars To New 2023 High After Saudis, Russia Surprise With Extended Production Cut

Just days after we said that Saudi Aramco floating to sell up to $50 billion in new stock meant that oil is about to soar much higher...

I would imagine under the current climate and economic conditions that news would scare ever Femocrat out there

The sheer fear that got so many of the talking Sith heads online this morning down playing the BRICKS and claiming the self sufficiency of US energy production (like that is still a thing after a BiteMe presidency is laughable). Now we know why dark side followers have been sinking everything into EV's like their life depends on it. Without forcing EV use on the masses there will not be anywhere near enough energy left for agriculture and harvest endeavors moving forward. Getting voters turned away from gasoline use is pretty much a necessity for the criminally bad ideology of the left to work. They were 100% counting on energy manipulation for the future just to keep their few allies they been financing with them.

The Actual Resource Wars are here I imagine. It gets worse everyday now too.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!


  1. PP, it's up to every American that CAN resist TO resist. It's simple. "They" don't want us to emit carbon dioxide, the OK, we don't. We don't do ANYTHING. We don't shop. We don't go out to eat. Most importantly, we don't go to WORK. A couple of weeks of a "superspread" of "Blue Flu" will have tax revenues drowning in red ink and business leaders looking for "government" heads to lop off. No shots fired. No opposition leader to arrest and persec... er... PROSEcute. American Revolution 1.0 started with a tax revolt. It's time... WAY past time...

    1. Pete - No argument from me!!! Seems funny how everytime Democrats are in power how the costs seems to magically falls into their favor isn't it?

  2. I like Pete's idea. Another option would be to turn American energy companies loose -- we have enough oil in the ground to tell them to pound sand!

    1. sbrgirl - I am reminded of all the problems they had with big name politicians having those leases locked in somehow back about 15 years ago or so. Turned out then we didn't have as much available as some thought. Maybe it has changed but refining is still an issue we have been lagging on too.

  3. Hrmmmmmmmm. I think the answer lies in geopolitics. Russia has had enough of the war in the Kraine and the NATO countries prolonging it. They will actively be trying to starve them for petroleum this year - which will devastate their economies and hopefully drive them away from the US and out of the Kraine. The Saudis are sick and tired of the bullying relationship they've had with the US. They will be using oil to play politics and send messages too.

    But whadda I know?

    1. Fithie - I am not so sure it is the US Dems dragging their feet in Ukraine as much as it is the Russians. Maybe both? Prolonging kinda benefits both sides right now.


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