
Thursday, September 21, 2023

PP's Other Horrible Bad Day #39


I'll be honest with ya I actually don't have a clue what number it is, It actually started out Yesterday anyway but I admit I like razzing on myself as much as anything so what the Hell.

So after discovering it was gonna be a rain day and cold besides I actually put on a flannel shirt yesterday for like the first time in 8 months. Not normally enough to ruine a whole day but that is where it started because it changed my routine. That's my story damnit. At some point I took my wallet and keys out of my front pants pocket and moved em to the shirt. When it stopped raining a bit I went out to get some things done, including cleaning out one of the stock tanks now that it's getting cold enough for them to stay clean for more than a day at a time I can do more than just rinse em out each day when I get a chance.

I then continued to do little things around the farm including figuring out I no longer own a dry wall saw. At dusk I go to put the hens in their coop and two hens (the black and the red) are at their door waiting for me. The gray one is AWOL. I looked everywhere for her and never did find her.

This morning bright and early she shows up meeting me at the door demanding more grain like it was a normal day. I still have no idea where she spent the night. I get ready to go and cannot find my wallet or keys anywhere. I looked everywhere and finally called in to work to let em know I was gonna be late.

Sure enough my wallet and keys were both at the bottom of that stock tank.  The keys still worked but after the entire day the wallet is still waterlogged. 

I went to buy a new dry wall saw and after I finally explained to the clerk (who I swear was like 10) what a saw without a battery is he (he finally admitted it had to be aisle 17 since that was the only place he had seen something that looked like that before) gave me an aisle number and I spent 15 minutes trying to figure out which saw they were now calling a dry wall saw. I finally just bought a multi use one that had what I remember as having a blade that looked like a dry wall blade and then came home and had a nervous break down. 

Why do they keep changing everything?

I admit though one thing they changed I do agree with was getting rid of all those different power cord voltage ends. I mean sure there are just as many different USB ends per device but at least the power in one is the same usually you just have to take the tool in with ya so they can see if it is USB B,C,E or whatever they called it but you already have a plug for it. The old one always came with the power part of the plug too big or something even if ya got the voltage and size right.

Wonder what else they are gonna change beyond my simple recognition next?

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


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