
Friday, September 1, 2023

Ghosts of September


Finished up everything left this week and as of this evening there is still nothing new dropped off so my plans of a three day weekend are still looking good. Finished up some mowing and gate repair to keep my lug of a dog from running all over and finally got frustrated as my Red Hen kept trying to chase bugs under the mower. O will just have to finish that part up in the morning by leaving er in the coop a few minutes.

After putting the hens to bed I had to go look for Lilly. I never did find her but I was out with her this afternoon for a bit so I am pretty sure she is just off eating. I will look for her tonight and make sure she came up after dark before going into an emergency panic. She has a bad habit of not even caring about evening grain if she is an especially tasty crop of new growth but at her age I don't like going more than a few hours without seeing her.

Right about sundown the neighbor kids began running their mud trucks around their circle track. It was so loud the wife got disgusted and went inside but I stayed out on the porch and listened to them for hours. Those kids couldn't wait to start muddling when they were youngsters and their grandpa let em build that dirt track. That was at least 12 years ago now and I used to sit out there and listen to them all night. They had a drive way that went way back like a mile or more and were in such a hurry to drive the trucks they built back then they would drive em up the road and park em every morning to catch the bus to school. They must have graduated at least 2 years ago and I haven't heard em in months but those truck sound bring back so many memories from very far back in time I just have to sit out and listen to them.

I hope they piss off some of the new immigrants while doing so too but those kids are old enough now they don't go all night like they used too. 

Still if we didn't have another neighbor in the way I would cut the fence and invite em to run all the way over here, the louder the better if I could :) 

I don;t care about noise it's just cutting down all trees and ruining the landscape that I dislike!!! 

Anyway I had a couple hours of nostalgia and by the time it was over I didn't care much about the rest of the world anyway.  My head was floating with memories of parties long past.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



  1. You've got me thinking that there's noise, and then there's noise. Or maybe there's sound, and then there's noise. What cuts one person to the quick is acceptable to another. And we all have our different levels of acceptability and tolerance. Trouble is, most of them we can do nothing about.

    1. Leigh - Well I admit the history I had with muddy around here back in the day I am surely biased and unapologetic about it :)

  2. Sbrgirl - Yes it is!!! But then I am getting old enough I can still hear those loud engines better than see em too :)


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