
Monday, August 14, 2023

The Tide Is Turning


Have you ever wondered why a company that has depended on customer satisfaction to survive since it's inception suddenly has zero interest in meeting any customer's needs? These same companies scream left in right they are broke yet make no move to gain customers they just fire more employees.

The two things do not add up that I can see and I am not just talking about the stupidly of Anheiser Busch, Disney or that female store Target. It is literally happening all over companies saying they can't make money and are going broke so they kill the only real way they have of actually making money... Or do they?

Seems like since the whole Covid ScamDemic payout actually making money has not been any companies primary objective. I wish I knew why or someone else did that would share the secret with the world.

Hell Insurance companies now refuse to write policies? What do they have to just give up work like some drug addict living off the streets? Somehow they are getting the money they need but from who?

My bet is if we could answer that question it would also make a number of other answers fall in line.

Just the random musing of a poor old country boy spending days on some form of machinery cutting the jungle into manageable size.  I am done cutting grass now and about to switch back to cutting limbs back into links easier to handle and haul em down to a pile. I can then finally get that damned tree off my barn and leave the other trees to sit a little longer out of sight to dry out before Winter some.

I also had to get my water pump from the basement going again after a couple years of idleness too. I certainly wasn't expecting all the rain we got yesterday followed by another bout last night. I also noticed the ditch the county left alone for years now began to fill up too.

The ditch really perked my interest as about 5 years ago it over flowed from the counties lack of maintenance so much that it washed out the road and flooded the hay field across the way, which is what forced me to fill my clay pipes with concrete and seal off my basement plus add a pump.

Trouble is that hay field has now been lowered by 20 foot or more. covered in gravel and the road now has about 100+ new vehicles using it everyday. The County wasted no time adding that to my property value I am betting they didn't have the same eagerness to add it to their maintenance schedule though.

It has the potential to get mighty interesting around here this Winter if we have a new weather condition coming in.

As I pointed out last night we are now in this for the long haul and from what I am seeing from every body right on down to new Country Singer the US is finally getting sick of the lies and double standards.

On a funny note with all this clean up I been doing I forgot to reload my Hummingbird Feeder. I had my typical hens out slowing me down chasing bugs in front of my mower when I got to stop and watch a hummingbird chase a terrified Hen around checking her Comb for nectar. It kinda made up for all the trouble watching the Hen freak out.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. I can give you what I think is going on. During the C19 all the small, locally owned business's were shut down/run out of business by the deepstate. Now with nowhere to shop except the business's that are owned by the deepstate (clue: they own every single business in the US - they have all been bought up/taken over by "money" printed out of thin air (I worked on the accounting / finance side of many of these takeovers for a 20 year period inside corporate America). They OWN it all. So, the story you are hearing/reading about those companies is propaganda - they are intentionally shutting everything down. It is NOT about profits for them at this point - they have already taken all of the money. It is about total control of America. PERIOD. I am using your line to close: KEEP PREPPING EVERYONE!!! BobT

    1. Anon - I imagine you are spot on in a lot of ways. What a shame

  2. Back in June Brandon Smith wrote an article titled ESG Dystopia: Why Corporations Are Doubling Down On Woke Even As They Lose Billions which to me gave a plausible explanation. I'll be glad to attach it if I can figure out how to do that. Thank you for sharing your insightful observations.


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