
Saturday, August 26, 2023

Saturday Night Ramblings

 Ya I didn't post any thing last night but I meant to. About 7PM my phone started blowing up with email after email announcing incoming deliveries so I just went to bed knowing today was going to be a work day. Their isn't much to be done for new deliveries on Saturday as the techs will just tell em to go to hell no matter how impatient the customers are but sometimes the salesmen will offer an nice bonus. Also if I leave unattended deliveries around my office the salesmen will begin looking for the keys to show em to customers so I like to get em logged and scheduled before anyone else sees em.

The last few weeks have been strange as far as deliveries go and earlier this week is when I was tipped off about the (then) probable UAW strike.  Explained alot but I didn't see it made official until this afternoon.

This morning at about 8am some driver tried to unload a brand new Jeep Platinum of some type in front of my office. I kept looking up at the Ford sign waiting for him to get the hint. The owner of the local Chevy dealership used to be our owner as well and he is great guy with a big sense of humor I almost signed for the new Jeep with his name and thought to park it off to the side and take bets on how long it would take to work itself out but the delivery driver figured it out on his own before it could be put into action.  I even had an operational name picked out for it too. I owe those guys over at Chrysler anyway from locking me inside a trailer during a Mall sale a few years back and stealing all the balloons off the vehicles I was suppose to be watching. Took me years to live that down.

It got down to 70 degrees this morning at work and I am hoping to finally get some work done around the farm this week. It hasn't been lower than 85 degrees even at night here since our huge windstorm that knocked over all of my trees and removed the shingles from my goat and chicken houses. I got a lot of work to catch up on now so a bit of a delivery slowdown would be welcome but these days there is just no telling how it will work itself out in the end either. All I know is I seem to be the only one kept super busy these days and everyone else looks kinda worried. Not a circumstance I really like to be in. I prefer it the other way around honestly.

It did rain most of the afternoon so I hoping it dries off early enough for me to get started early too tomorrow.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. PP, what doe anticipate the impact to be on you in the event of a strike?

    1. TB - Well it is hard to say this year. I would expect a big decrease in deliveries but ford seems to be doing everything they can to keep inventory and prices high right now so there is no logic to what they will do to attempt that goal. They are already producing what I call named vehicles like Raptors at a rate of 100+% higher than I have ever seen before. They are absolutely starving for profits by any means they can devise. with today's logic no telling what that can end up being.

    2. Interesting PP. I will look forward to how this plays out, although I would think it would be a slowdown for you as well. Which may or may not be good.

    3. TB - I been expecting a slowdown but the big wigs are convinced everything will sell at a profit eventually. They just have to hold out long enough until customer wants over ride their wealth.


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