
Friday, August 4, 2023

Random Musings


Not trying to jump the gun here but for two weeks in a row deliveries have been dropping like a rock. So have prices. Now I am not some vehicle buyer like I have been in the past but I have also seen a number of co-workers either be directly targeted on been getting the dealership curse on their own the last few weeks.

It is common for salesmen to single out coworkers from another department that they know a bit too much about and try and force a sale when regular customers get scarce and commissions get low. I generally try and stay as far away from any opinion on the matter as I can unless the employee in question is one of mine AND comes to me personally for advice. Well this week one of mine (kinda sortof) came and asked me directly if his whole deal for purchasing a used Dodge was worth his while. 

It really wasn't a bad price by the last two years standards anyway and the kid did not fall for my usual answer I give in this situation which is "I would never buy a Dodge unless I plan on not needing a dash board" Any way he was convinced he needed this truck and I was seriously not going to get blamed for ruining a sale so I just recommended he get a solid answer from his insurance company on final payments when lumped together.

This guy wasn't even aware about the huge premium raises lately and he came back amazed at what his finale bill per month was going to be. Had he been buying somewhere else I would say more but since it's our dealership and a salesman I happen to think highly of I then washed my hands of the whole thing.  Now that he knows what the final costs will be it's all on him. He actually was convinced he could get that auto loan at 0% down and then liability insurance. He deserved to know the truth direct from the horses mouth so to speak, that I knew he would believe.

After that the owner manager asked me to take care of a problem left over after they fired a middle manager guy early last week. Not something I would usually even be a part of but have been around long enough to know the rules and how to get things done within them anyway. Normally our manager would never have someone step on another set of toes like that  but I have a suspicion there is more like that coming as this thing continues so I crossed my T's and dotted the I's and got it done. Looks to me we are past specialty employees and heading to jack of all trades so to speak.

All that coupled with this reduction in incoming deliveries is leaving me a bit uncertain to say the least and this week while I was filing all the incoming new vehicles was the first time this year I had zero incoming that were not already sold from last year.

Like I have said trying to gauge the flow by just a few weeks of examples is rarely very accurate but it is enough with everything else going on around the world, to make me play it safe right now. What with the government trying all their tax grabbing little games and especially when Femocrats are in power.  


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!


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