
Monday, August 7, 2023

Cleanup Started +1


Not sure if you can tell but I began stripping the branches off down tree number 1 and actually got some of the trunk cleaned up. I kinda have to get out the regular chain saw at this point and even it out some but the branches are Boxelder at the top while the lower half are completely English Ivy that I am not allowing any stock animals to eat. Plus the bottom of the trunk is almost always full of cats whenever I am working on it so I decided to just get rid of the brushy limbs before actually cutting up the good wood and risking a roll over that decimates our barn cat population.

Not that they ever stay in the barn anyway. They are too busy arguing over who gets to be my designated supervisor for the day.

I also got the preliminary garden checking done and trimmed the grass around there. More on the garden mess later and as I see how much permanent damage has been done. 

Seems like a number of economist and the main Liberal Shill economist were going on about Russia taking some major hits on the energy sales front today. Funny how Ukraine never seemed to have and sort of Sea Drone tech until the West started commenting on it. Than all of a sudden Ukraine has all kinds of Sea Drone tech. Kinda makes ya wonder doesn't it?

Now it is true Russia is down about 50% in profit for Energy opposed to last year... ahh could it be because of sanctions and a war zone? I have to admit when the Liberal Economist mentioned the world would have to get more energy from the US under Biden I couldn't even stop laughing though.

just a quick point tonight. Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!


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