
Monday, August 28, 2023

Catch Up Monday


I ended up getting in a couple of big loads in this morning plus a couple from Sunday so I had my work cut out for me today. There was also five special orders that came along and a few of the salesmen were pleasantly surprised they came in so quickly. I still cannot say for sure but they are trying their utmost to get the special orders in fast right now, not certain if it is because of the strike or what but the top brass seems especially focused in getting them out no matter how many special trips it takes to do it. Didn't matter as half of them were declined due to higher than promised interest rates.

Most pre-orders can lock in the price but alot of finance places won't lock in an interest rate it seems. 

I finally got home and went to mingle with my charges for a bit, they are always much happier when I am with them it seems. The black hen immediately recruited the red hen for pinata fun but I managed to get two ripe tomatoes picked before they started.  Unless I get a big load or three in tonight I should be able to get home early enough to get some more work done tomorrow. It is the end of the month so I may not get a break before Thursday at this point though.

Had one of our new employees help me this morning and he impressed me with his knowledge and intelligence. Not often I meet someone like that to be honest, sadly I was too busy to get to know him much I just hope he sticks around.  Coworkers always seem to be more like replacements in combat units around here it seems, don't get to know them too much cause they leave so fast anyway. My last helper did that to me a few weeks back and went over to one of our previous owners. Good guys both of em but I did call over and tell the Ex owner I was gonna get him for stealing my best helper!!!

So looks like I got one more day of pick up and then I am going to have to get out my real gas powered chain saws to get started on the big tree. So far I have only used my hand held electric saw I bought this Winter and it has impressed me but it is too small for the larger trunk I fear.

I had one little story adventure this evening. Had to take the wife with me and for some reason she followed me into the local store. Those girls and guys know me and always keep some real Sugar Mnt. Dew around for me. I won't drink any kind of Soda except real sugar and they find that entertaining cause the pepsi guys are dirty liars and very stingy with it. So they will often times hide it as the pepsi guys will steal it from one store and take it to another. Anyway the store employees have been treating it as a long term game and everyone enjoys it except the pepsi delivery guys when I tell them they are just rotten Democrats. Anyway the store also has one of those frequent flier type cards that give ya cash back and I was the first one to ever be given one there years ago. I have never used it to redeem anything and there is some awful amount of money on there that they are always trying to get me to use. Every so often they warn me I am gonna lose the points so I buy whomever is on duty something and today they had a new girl they were training. She asked me if I wanted to pay for the wife's purchase on the card and mentioned I had a lot of points available and I simply replied I had to keep all the money on the card cause it was my Democrat money. She then said she didn't understand and I told her you never know when the Democrats where going to steal everything so ya had to keep those points.

The girl thought it was hilarious, the wife told me to shut up. I told the wife she was free to move as far away from my spot at the register as she liked. Damn Democrats!!!!

That was my only adventure today...Damn I am getting old. Wife is still not speaking to me.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!




  1. Is wife democrat?!

    1. Not if you ask her but she is very weak towards Femocrat talking points and propaganda and rarely asks herself important questions.


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