
Saturday, July 15, 2023

Storms, Woke Dwarves and Wind Damage


The Small Hold got hit once again with Storms last night. Only thing I can say is at least it is helping with the lack of rain this Summer and the the lower Temperatures are finally allowing my Tomatoes to produce some fruit but it has also destroyed my trellising, allowing weeds to grow through my mulch, blew over some of the taller plants and the lightening did short out one of my circuits in the house that I now have to fix sine all the electricians are still busy building new houses to increase my property taxes more.

I guess that's one companion plant now down for the count.

But I got some baby Tomatoes now!!! This time hopefully with less cats eye's!!! At least some of my co-workers will be happy in a few weeks!! Well I guess the weeds out in the dead grass area will be happy soon too.

We got even more storms predicted for tonight so we will see what happens there and with all the new Financially Favored Femocrat auto loans and new vehicles I get in everyday it's going to be a while before I actually have time to get my gardening back up to snuff anyway. At least I can afford to buy groceries now against the Democrat/Biden stimulus inflation!!!

Speaking of which look at the top for the newest Disney homage to Diversity. A woke remake of Snow White!!! Complete with 1970's era diverse Hippies instead of Dwarves!!! What ya wanna bet the "prince" will be Trans? Anything to mutate any sort of Masculinity from a classic fable. And remove any notion of European Culture.

I have to say this is the lowest point I have witnessed in 60 years. The worst shape my garden, yard, finances, America, everything has ever been in that I have seen. I was told today that the local restaurant we go too for beakfast is closing down now too.

At least I am finally seeing some people revolt here and there. I hope it continues to grow. I am sure I won't be around to see it finally get better.

Well I guess it's back to picking up the pieces for me. Guess I need to start by finding my line tester I haven't seen in a while so I don't kill myself on an electric wire somewhere. Who was the last person I loaned that too?

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. Tomatoes are outstanding PP! That’s a real bugger about the restaurant too. The way small business is treated by both our govts is downright criminal.

    I dunno about the woke stuff. Our liberals have allied themselves with child molesters and communists and at some point Disney will probably Bud-Lite themselves.

    I just had to laugh the other day. I guess Pence was out schlepping for the cameras, and some 12 year old girl wound up with a water balloon - and nearly took his damned head off with it! HAR HAR HAR!!!😂👍 The vid was all over Blab! I bet that probly would have killed Biden but at least the cuck Republicans are starting to feel the heat! If there was anything left of Pences self esteem after that - Tucker Carlson killed it with a devastating interview.

    Up her in Canada we used to have a proud tradition of throwing pies at our politicians. I’d really like to see a revival of that!

  2. I guess little people are no longer a protected class because six of them did not get jobs in this remake. I'm sure the movie will be just great!

  3. You know, six out of seven dwarves are not happy!

    1. BuddS - Especially the bad attitude dwarf known as Peter "needs a Dinkage" from what I here!!!

    2. Budd how many years have you waited to say that line?

  4. Filthie - Pie throwing seems a little too easy on politicians to me but no one listens to me anymore :(

  5. sbrgirl - Others besides you noticed that too, good catch!!... Amazing aint it?


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