
Monday, July 31, 2023

Rainy Day


I kinda over did it yesterday as it turned out there were a lot more than 25 or so hay bales to move. At least the exposed parts of my foundation are at least covered now long before Winter and I still have about 20 bales on my trailer I need to find a home for, not to mention four bales who's twine snapped. So many old sticks in this hay I cannot use it for bedding or anything.

My mowing is caught up though!!!!

Been another tumultuous day around America as is usual these days I guess. Yellow trucking and it's subsidiaries went formally bankrupt leaving some 50K total employees out of a job and didn't even have the money left over from the 300 Billion or so of Free government handouts to pay those EX employees pension and health dues.   Am am sure the managers all got a paid benefit on the way out too. There is a viral video of one of the ex-employees going on a rant when told he was out his pension that can be viewed but is heavily censored for linking too if you are interested.

The BRIC nations had two new applicants today (or very recently) namely Bolivia and Zimbabwe wanting to join.

I spent all morning tracking down a missing Vehicle that was reportedly delivered Thursday night last week from inside the state. It was missing Friday morning and despite calls all day Friday that only resulted in recordings I finally got a hold of someone this morning.   We had already checked the security footage and I found the vehicle that was reportedly shipped with the missing one and turned it in last week. This morning I was told the delivery driver could not be found to ask but by Mid Day they called me back and said they had shipped it too another Rail Head two states away by mistake and they forgot to change the BoL. I walked about half a mile in 105 degree temps across three parking lots looking for that vehicle last week.

Last day of July and I haven't even seen a ripe Tomato yet that wasn't already destroyed by Sunburn.  

I really hope the rest of this Summer improves some or it is gonna be a total bust Tomato-wise and honestly Tomatoes are about the only reward I look forward to these days from my gardening. Although the corn is looking good this year.


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!


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