
Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Heat Break


This heat and Humidity has basically turned the live stock and myself into nocturnal creatures for the last few days. I only see the sheep at night after the sun goes down and I am at work before it comes out. I was able to get out and feed a bunch of the Lemon Cucumbers (above) to everyone Sunday afternoon much to the delight of Chicken and Goat alike!!! They all love the Lemon Cucumbers. 

All the livestock have even decided the Dragon Cucumbers are alright too. I must have picked and fed 50 of them the other day.

The rains have continued along with the heat which is keeping me inside and allowing the work I have done from taming the garden to stay unfinished. The heat seems to have stopped the new Tomato fruiting too. I cannot say for sure as it has stopped me from doing much more than napping anyway. 

Today was a big day for all things financial with warning lights apparently going off everywhere as the FED raised interest rates by a quarter point. All the usual people who were screaming that tightening was over last week have changed to a never gonna stop narrative now and consumer credit is being blamed for everything now.

I find myself wondering how much of the West's financial issues  have to do with Russia's GDP rising and now openly selling above the West's enforced embargo limit too? All the financial blogger with a Femocrat agenda seem to be picking on China now. Rumor also has it that the Ukraine war is all but done now for the West. We will see.

Here is some of my Lemon Cuc's vine ripening. My work on video has reached a slight snag now as I ordered the wrong memory card I needed and my reorder seems to be taking days to actually be shipped. Current eta is Monday before I can actually start to get into it. I really thought when they advertised all ya need would mean it would come with the proper memory card enclosed too. What do I know just getting old I guess.

I have noticed a new development locally however, All the land that advertised new homes available a few weeks ago now say "lots for sale" Apparently even the well stimulus funded construction companies are slowing down now. Thank the Lord!!!

I just wish this heat would break soon so I can get back to more work and repairs around here.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. How is smallsaw doing?
    Interested in an update

    1. Anon - I used it the other day to trim some limbs but haven't given it much of a work out yet though.


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