
Saturday, July 8, 2023

Catching Up Pt. 1


My interest was almost immediately struck about the French riots because well when France riots happen I usually take heed. I must admit I admire the French attitude about strikes and standing up to tyrants as they have been well known for over the years. They usually come up with such unique ways to get their point across without resorting to final solutions too. There is a lot to admire about the French Idea of Freedom IMO.

I been waiting for some more unified protests out of France since they were dealt such a harsh (and illegal IMO) pension deal a few months back. I was disappointed to find out that as far as truth goes about Minority shooting cases in France you can count on the same kind of of honest reporting as we seemed to have gotten here over the George Floyd drama.

Of course I have no contact with regular people over there anymore. I used to have an Ex down in Lyon but that was some time ago and she might not appreciate it if I just drop her a line. Or someone might not as the case maybe. 

I did find it interesting that the Cop who is accused of the shooting does seem to have some defenders and also seems to have raised a good amount of money in his defense. And I did see where several reported Right Wing groups are getting involved in some way or another.

Still I have no idea if French Cops are any more or less like US ones. I don't usually have an issue with any LEO's but the Immunity they seem to enjoy. at least in the US, is a problem for me more often than not and should be removed IMO.

Regardless one cannot ignore how much of the French issue is due to open and government supported immigration policies.  This type of issue and the media sentiment seems to be a Western Feminist problem everywhere these days. Very Sad that a leader of a country finds it better to cut benefits to older citizens than cutting funds for foreigners isn't it?

Still there maybe a lot more to this story than I know I guess but finding different opinions about it here in America is about as hard as finding news about the BRIC nations or Ukraine and I have not had a few months to dig into yet either :(


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



  1. 17-year-old Nahel Merzouk, parents are algerian muslims, was shot by the french police, he was a criminal. Muslims saw the shooting as an excuse to go looting. The french aren't protesting it's the muslim invaders looting the country.

    1. Anon - Thank You!!! I am always interesting in hearing from people like you who know what they are talking about!!!

    2. I did read something about other French groups protecting an airport or something like that. Know anything about that?

    3. I didn't hear anything about an airport, french shop keepers who were protecting their shops were arrested by the police. The Algerian immigrants claim they're getting revenge for 132 years of french colonization. They were the Barbary Coast pirates that kidnapped over a million Europeans.

      The yellow jackets ( gilets jaunes ) were true french patriots, they were disbanded and the leaders thrown in prison. Macron used Romanian thugs dressed as riot police to beat the crap out of french protesters.

    4. In the Netherlands the farmers won a battle against the government, PM Mark Rutte resigned over immigration and trying to steal land from the farmers.

    5. Yes I was following the Dutch stuff with great interest and it was an American article I read about "right Wing French groups helping defend against the Muslims so I really didn't expect much accuracy to be honest.

  2. Germany is full of immigrants mostly from Syria and Afghanistan. The Green party has destroyed Germany.

    1. When I lived in Germany it was all Turks but that was years ago.


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