
Monday, July 17, 2023

Auto Technicians Discover Alien Cultural Invasion


I was still so upset about my line testing issues with new technology from yesterday's post I had a dream that I voluntarily checked myself into a retirement community before I might possibly do harm to myself and/or others.  I mean something had to explain my impossibly quick fall from intellectual competence and the ability to figure out basic communications to the sorry state I seem to find myself in these days. 

So at work this morning I embarked on a spontaneous poll discussing this topic with as many professionals as I could. I mentioned the peculiar aspect that even when I had supposedly simple directions I always seemed to form a totally different conclusion than the logical printed instructions and answers would explain . I also mentioned even with literal years of experience under my belt in a topic that somehow these days the solution always seems to follow a totally different course than it ever did before to get to a conclusion.

After countless technicians, parts experts, and even one back office girl was held hostage we got a 100% agreement that something was indeed wrong these days with directions and logic. I was also informed that nonsensical buttons or additions to everything was also a rampant problem as well. From Brake lines to Heater Cores.

Finally one of the old Transmission guys mentioned it was like we got invaded by a hidden Alien Culture and many people, especially engineers, started using the Alien logic to replace normal Human logic in everyday life.

This consensus did make me feel better and everyone agreed that why that conclusion did finally explain Feminist and Democrats to us they weren't all totally convinced yet. 

Then I mentioned all the press recently released about our government having Alien artifacts, ships and the like so we decided it was official. Democrats and politicians and engineers are Aliens. 

So it is the job of all Men over 50. (and one office girl) to now defend the world against Alien invaders. 

At least I feel more normal now.


Keep Prepping Everyone!!

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