
Tuesday, July 4, 2023

And You Thought Survival To This Point Was Hard


I cannot say how bad things are going to get for sure of course but the more I look the more depressed I become. I knew something was foul the more I noticed how things were going and just how such reckless spending was handled. My first clue was when I really began poking my nose into the who and/or what was actually doing the bidding and driving first the massive housing bubble but also the New vehicle chaos in my area.

I know around my region new housing has been handled pretty much one way exclusively for decades now. An owner decides to sell lots, and a buyer usually buys one lot or sometimes a few and hires a construction company or sub-contractor. The builder builds his home but a company wants to build as many as it can so tries to get a loan for 20 or so. Bank says NO!! and declines building loans but says to limit em too two or so at a time. Construction company shrugs and says "OK" then starts building one at a time or so until done. Massive radical changes to location. local taxes etc. are averted. 

But not this time!!!!

Fraud, favoritism and simple greed plus the need to hide the truth and supported by the pure inexperience and hatred that the Femocrats have always fallen victim too in  in great amounts forced them to over reach and it has changed everything and made it worse and we are not done yet.

Quarterly totals are clearly showing sales for pretty much every major car company out there are up Year over Year. I am not saying all companies are showing a profit but the sales are not lacking or even slowing (even if the company made stupid investments) and just like with new homes massive amounts are being sold for cash or at, get this, 8 to 10% rates. These government funded goons just don't car about interest rates. Why?

So the car companies knew what was coming in 2023 and already knew what  the new target consumer could afford and what they would be interested in!!!


And you are probably part of it!!!!

Unless you have some direct spigot to Democrat or RINO funding you are systematically being exterminated and will be unable to afford anything until it is over.

Now I will admit that I read about large developments in other parts of the country but not here... That is until they got direct money from the government anyway they could including huge fraud.

I believe now money is being specifically funneled to certain groups across the country to make the numbers look more believable. but if you are not already part of that you won't see any of it.  I imagine it goes much deeper than I can contemplate but the beginnings are very clear. Certain area have probably already been earmarked for failure and success as I type this. 

It wasn't until I saw the actual year over year numbers that just came out before I was convinced but somebody has a plan and underlings are following it is the only explanation I can see.

Get ready for Long Term Survival is all I got to say...

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. The problem with all this is that eventually, the whole thing collapses. The skeletons come prancing out of the closet, boney fingers point out the culprits - and the house cleaning begins. Hitler did it, Stalin did it, Mao did it. We'd like to think we are above such nonsense here in the west, but we shall see. How much mercy will you have in your heart when your life savings go up in smoke, and you can't afford to feed your family - and the politicos are pishing money away on illegal immigrants, grifts, and scams? Would you vociferously object if a party came on the scene that put you back to work, restored the economy... and made people like Biden, Trudeau, Pelosi, and similar grifters just disappear? I wouldn't shed a tear, myself.

    We have historically seen world conquerors before. They always fall apart, the perps get washed away by the tides of history... and all we can do is pray the incoming order is better than the old one.

    I think that it was Voltaire that said something to the effect that if you can be made to believe absurdities, you can be made to commit atrocities. We've already blown past the first half of that one, and are slowly dabbling in the second part...

    Oh well, the gene pool does need a cleaning...

    1. Filthie - Almosy wouldn't let me sign in... Good to see you!! Ya sooner or later there is gonna be a catalyst. I cannot guess what it will be but someone is gonna pay. I am just thankful I have seen it come this far is all I know these days!!!


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