
Sunday, May 7, 2023

Sunday Reading - Refugees or Locust?

 So I was surfing around the other day I was more trying to research the International shipping irregularities I seem to be noticing more lately than anything else and I came on a podcast that had some links related to the mass migrations American's have been going through recently. Specifically how it is effecting regions etc. IN the discussion I noticed the theory they had was that these mass housing migrations and where they are coming from (the cities and why) seem to take one of two different forms. I noticed it mostly due to their use of the Locust Swarm analogy that caught my eye which I have used to describe the new arrivals I been dealing with since last year around here.

Of course my use of the term is more due to the ravaging of local resources and local stores being strip bare every day regularly and my use includes the influx of temporary construction worker traffic as much as the new residents while the one I came across was only interested in the overall political effects of long term residents. What I found interesting is that their theory claims that many new migrants into many areas of the country have so far had the opposite effect than many are typically afraid of. Namely that of the other side of the theory they called the Refugee Effect is the opposite of the Locust Effect.

The Refugee effect is that the new migrants fleeing the cities are in fact turning the area they are fleeing to into a more Conservative political location.

There claim was that these effects have turned many areas of Florida and Texas (along with some other areas) red now were they used to lean more solidly Blue.

Along with their theories were examples (which I am sure we are all familiar with) of many areas that were flipped from red to blue but now a few of those very same areas are switching back. I know I have seen migrations into the county I live in driven mainly by the Liberal bastion of the UMC gaining new residents who moved into the area but decided more rural-like Suburban living was better than the city itself effect my own county;s politics some, However it was also pointed out that those migrations were of course Locust examples and happened many years ago but what we are seeing now are Refugee migrations and having the opposite effect.

A very interesting take that of course interested me due to recent changes in my own local area. I still believe that my local changes have a lot to do with age of the new migrants and overall almost as much as political in many ways, Still something to think about.

Taken as a whole they also used these changes as an example of how the US is splitting apart even further and forcing more regional political issues as well due to the Liberal insistence and attempting to make everything a Federal law/issue.

I have included a linke to the channel if you are interested and would love to hear what you think as well. National Divorce...


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!




  1. I am a new reader here. What is "UMC"?

    1. Anon - University of Missouri Columbia. And welcome aboard!!!!


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