
Monday, May 15, 2023

Monday Refugees


One thing I did not think about was that the new hens are somewhat smaller than the old heritage varieties we had and can wiggle their way through my garden fence. SO far only one seems to have any real inclination for solo time (because there is always one in every group  don't ya know) while the other two and surviving older hen do not appear to want to leave the rooster for long I guess. The rooster does not like one being off by herself in an area he can't get too either. The solo Hen likes to stay in there and is currently upsetting the one refugee treefog that lives on the garden shed too.

The above picture is pretty much where this little frog stayed all weekend whenever that killer chicken came around. He actually left for a while today during the rains some for a while. Probably watching the much needed rain finally fill my catchment tank a bit more as it was getting low.

It's been raining off an on all day, which figures on a day off when I have very little left to do to finish up a couple of projects. It has put a halt to me mulch spreading and the last bit of weed eating I was hoping to get done today. It did give me time to go find my heavy stables to repair the compost bin side the goats broke this Winter and go shop for some pepper plant starts. I took Michael's wise advice and only got a couple of habenero and jalapeno types. 

As of now they are forecasting more rain, possibly heavier tonight, so I plan on putting my starter plants in tomorrow now. A bit more moisture under the mulch should be a lot better for them regardless not to mention it will settle the mulch down better for the shorter plants too and make a stronger weed barrier going forward. I am sure I will be mulching over the thinner area until at least June a little here and there as it is. I also still need to be sure I have enough plants to fill my large edge pots and small raised bed as well.

In bigger news, Filthie's blog is gone again :(, Iran captures another tanker, there are rumors of credit reductions for customers from smaller banks all over and general financial panic seems to be setting in every where as well.

So been a waste of a good day off but the rest has been welcome as well. We needed the rain and perhaps I will start seeing some corn sprouts now.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


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