
Friday, May 12, 2023



Can't say it's been an easy or extremely productive week. Not overly busy either but busy at the wrong times and then rain yesterday when I had some time off. Like so many Missouri Spring rains it threatened rain all day, but only threatened until I figured out it was a lie then it would start sprinkling and rain harder as long as I stayed out in it until I gave up and went inside when the Sun would come out again. Of course.

Still I got everything done except a few feet left to mow and I am using the entire weekend for gardening as long as it doesn't rain of course. There is supposedly a chance for it but not a large chance. I was hardening off my melon seedlings today when the wind blew em over. I hope I did lose any but I repacked potting soil around em and water plus brought em in. These damn plains Spring winds are more dangerous to my garden plants than any pest this time of year.

Along the financial news just more of the same. Some panic mongers claiming our only chance to survive is GOLD and that the banks have all but admitted they are discontinuing loaning out money for anything. More commercial failings, News that Black rock is now investing in the Ukraine, A refugee invasions from the South and on and on. I don't know about anyone else but the only thing I am investing in under the current circumstances is food and hoarding basic necessities until this country gains a bit more security and stable relationship. If it isn't immediately usable or needed I am just not worrying about it. We may all be in a world of hurt come Winter and glad we grew and saved beans in a tub this Summer.

I have to say the three replacement hens I purchased and added to the flock have been my best purchase so far this year. I don't think those three hens had ever seen a rooster before a few weeks ago and were forced into a huge barn every night with a couple hundred other hens. They were pretty obviously not happy where they came from. Now however they seem to be completely at home. They are in the coop every night when the Sun is going down, have already figured out that the sound of a tractor or lawn mower starting up means treat time, They know where the remains of Winter's hay bales are rotting on the ground and already have added then to their daily food visits plus they have figured out my routine as well and know when to follow me around and one of them is so much at home she tries to jump on my lap and will rub on the wife's legs when we go outside. 

The new cat is about ready to become an inside cat for a few days free of his private room and cage now, He needs to meet the other cats and learn that there is always food and shelter inside if he just comes and asks to come in. I will see if he wants to go back to barn cat status after that which I am sure he will the way he is acting but now that he has been fixed and vacced it might change him some, still all the male cat end up wanting out at first. Honestly the ony reason we have survived all the drop off over the years is the fact that pretty much 100% of the males all want to be barn cats first.

Suppose to be in the upper 80's for highs all weekend so gonna be a bit hot trying to get the garden done by Sunday.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!

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