
Sunday, April 30, 2023

Sunday Reading - A Little Bit of Everything


I guess I will start close to home today. It rained last night although not anywhere near what we need but the storm also bought in some 25 to 30+ MPH winds with it and dropped our temps down to the upper 30's early morning. I just decided I wasn't gonna go out into it today since I am not super pressed for time and all so I just decided to take an easy day off. 

As soon as I opened the door this morning that new cat I saw the other day was sitting in front of the barn and obviously hoping I was going to bring her some more food. I say she still but I have not actually handled her or got close enough to be sure but her actions and bearing pretty much assure me it is a very young female cat. Which of course puts her capture at the very top of my priority list.

I took her some food and can already tell she is not happy about her current situation and would much prefer to have a human taking care of her. She is very much afraid right now but doesn't run away very fast even after only one night since our introduction. She devoured her food quick and was back wanting more before the wife and I were done with breakfast. I bet she has a few days of nothing to make up for so I filled her bowl again and within another short time she was already up laying on our porch.

That is the thing about our location anytime a young cat is dropped out here they immediately head straight for our barn as the most prominent structure for a good ways. It's comfortable and dry and generally totally unoccupied so usually new drop offs start there.

I am pretty sure it is a female as it likes to stay close to the walls and stay kinda hidden, usually a male of that age is out playing by this stage of the game but this little girl is testing the waters and trying to figure out what space she is gonna be forced into. Little does she know that we are way down on our cat population quota anyway since it's been literally over three years since we have had a stray show up and we just lost two very old female strays that have been here for years last Summer. Regardless my first move is too get her captured and taken to the vet.

The other mostly yellow cat still shows up from time to time but that one is either an intact Tom or is actually living somewhere nearby and roaming I think as I have seen him in many places around the area. Either way he will be a much more difficult one to catch so I am focusing on this new addition first. He even acts like a Male so I am just seeing how that develops and he leaves for days at a time as near as I can tell. I am sure I will need to set a trap for him and if I can get this new one out of the way before I do the better.

Other than recent stray cat drama I had an interesting conversation with an older Lady this morning at the local Farmer's Market location. Like me she mentioned seeing all these new Older Females around these days but seems to have met a few of them personally and told me that most of them are part of a retired couple and just visit the local stores on their own and ditch the grumpy old husband at home.  This would actually make sense really as I just happened to read an article last night declaring this area as being one of the overall cheapest new building locations in the Nation so I imagine a it was a prime location for older retired folks looking to move away from the cities for somewhere more quiet. Also had the lowest cost of living index too. 

I can see where someone who was thinking things were getting bad but would never hit rock bottom would be partial towards a location like this but the fact is if things get as bad as it looks like they might this area is going to be empty and the residence on our own by the end. I been seeing a lot of younger people running around here too with multi-colored hair as well so not sure what the new demographics are like across the board yet.

So along with Tucker being forced out looks like Vice news closed down and Iran is playing some kind of game with tankers since the US captured one of thier's recently. Things are getting a bit more sporty it seems.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. Maybe I’m imagining it PP…but I think there is a change in tempo going on too. People are getting fed up with everything… or so it seems to me.

    But whadda I know…?

    1. Filthie - I would agree 100%, things are definitely showing a slow down around here. I just wonder how long it is going to take for everyone else to admit it.

  2. PP, there is a sense in the air that things are changing. Even those that would not otherwise react are almost involuntary reacting to it.

    I note that literally yesterday as the government assured us the banking system is sound, regional bank stocks tanked. The discrepancy between what people are hearing and what they are experiencing will continue to grow. That is what they are reacting to, even if they cannot name it: do I believe what I am seeing and experiencing, or what I am being told by those in power?

    1. TB - Very enlightening observations. Makes so much sense. I am as confused as everyone myself I think.


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