
Sunday, April 16, 2023

Sunday Reading - A Hugely Bad Week



I have to admit I was feeling extremely bad this week. The weather kept heating up into the 80's easy which was nice for a change but the wild fruit trees bloomed with a vengeance. Mostly wild plum I think but a lot of smaller crab apple and such. Drove the last remaining bees I have crazy of course but also gave me such a bad pollen attack I could barely function. You could just smell the sweetness in the air and the pollen coating your throat and mouth. I was finding it hard to keep a clear head it got so bad. Of course I got another big dump of vehicles in without paperwork and it made the entire thing much harder to keep track of. 

I have a number of small projects that still need finishing and getting back in order of course but with the pollen count so high my stamina rated about as high as a wounded mouse so I would work for short bits and then go inside and rest by just watching mindless videos more than anything else. Using this method I did manage to get my backup mower going. I had to replace the battery, The garden is now back in order and ready for planting, still needs a new layer of hay all around though. The hay field has been fertilized for Summer and the sheep moved to mostly the East Pasture for the year. 

Plenty left to do that will keep me busy for months now though. I still have not started my seedlings but honestly it will be a few more weeks until I start planting regardless and the temps dropped from the 70's and 80's down back into the 40's today which is mostly keeping me huddling inside. That's ok though I can use a day off I think. I plan on getting seedlings started tomorrow when it warms back up a bit I hope. The fruit trees seem to be done with their pollinating today finally so I hope the fuzzy headedness I been suffering under clears up again.

Honestly things seem so chaotic and unsure right now I don't even know which way to turn. We still have our wealth it appears but I still wonder how much we are going to have left by the time this is all straightened out. I am somewhat able to keep up with minor repairs myself still but what happens when I can't? Construction companies still seem unwilling to follow up on calls, repairmen are few, Prices are high and Summer is short.  I have a call in right now with a backhoe guy to remove my large wood furnace for me who swears he will do the job but until it's done It isn't done. 

Leaves me wondering just what the future is going to bring. Even 10 years ago I could count on surviving on my own if it came to a collapse but I am not a young man anymore and now I can't even count on my saved wealth to be there to pay for repairs if they are needed. Besides how would anyone survive after their wealth is all gone anyway? 

I am too old for such uncertain times IMO. Aren't we all?

Atleast we are moving into another Summer to see how far we can get to prepare for whatever the rest of this year brings. I am not all that excited for the future these days which is a new one for me in my life. I can never remember in my life feeling as tired or as uncertain as I do these days.  Getting old sucks.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. apparently we are in a 'fourth turning' so no joy for anyone
    or, as a general defined peace, 'those short periods of time between wars.

  2. You have nobody nearby that wants to get into farming but cannot afford the property? A trusted sharecropper may develop into a trusted friend and an ally when things get weird.

    As Robert Heinlein said: "Never appeal to a man's better nature. He might not have one. Appeal to his self interest as that's a sure bet".

    1. Michael - There are prolly many who claim that situation but would it be true? That's the rub.

    2. I'd like to think with your business experience you'd be a decent judge of a man's nature.

      We are both getting too old to wait to train up a sharecropper.

      I've even given serious thought about providing housing for nursing students for home health needs.

  3. This post hits close to home - that last paragraph sums up how I feel as well. I'm hitting 52 this year, would think teh downhill is the easiest part but its not. Getting old indeed sucks. As far as wealth - and getting old(er) - we have stopped trying to save as much as we have little faith it will be worth anything by the time we retire(if ever) and instead spend some of it on making our lives easier - including doing upkeep ahead of schedule and other items around the place to be more reliable and low maintenance going forward - like aluminum covering what used to be wood trim that had to be painted.

    1. Misfit71 - Exactly!! I am in the same area and must now start thinking what I am going to be able to do not only at 58 now but 64 and older too. It leaves me with sleepless nights now often.


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