
Monday, April 10, 2023

Lots of Confusion and Conflict


Confusion, conflict missing data and a lot of hopium seem to be the orders of the day right now. I read both that new and used vehicle sales were up and down today and heading in both directions for the foreseeable future. I also saw where there are reports that Capital One financial is putting a stop to their floor plan funding completely yet some claim it is only for small independent dealers and used car funding specifically. I am pretty sure they have several different levels so that would not surprise me.

Locally there are still a swarm of out of town construction workers coming into the area like a locust swarm every day but I see absolutely no work being done in any of the spots from last year yet. Although plenty of empty lots remain. They could be further out in a direction I don't go I guess. 

I think what is causing so much conflict in data right now is more how this latest financial crisis was created more than anything else. Yes we had massive stimulus for certain groups of people but most of that spending is gone and being regulated to the dust bin of slave chains were all the little people who over spent  can be controlled but our economy is still flush with government cash from PPP thefts and free money still in the system which allowed a huge amount of companies that had absolutely no real equitable business plan to survive and thrive with all the free money to gamble with. Many of these companies have no choice but to continue to gamble and raise prices hoping things will change.

What that means for someone like me is inflation, lack of available contractors and high maintenance costs that I find myself very hard put to keep up with. I can't even find someone able to hold a ladder for me so I can repair my own roof sheet now. Looks like the real challenge for me is going to be holding things together as much as I can  until this thing shakes itself out a bit more. Building prices really have not gone down much around here and now I have even less time than I did during the scamdemic. 

Luckily I am beginning to make some progress slowly but I think any actual progress in larger projects is going to be on hold just so I can get missed maintenance brought back to were it needs to be. I did get my first complete run of lawn mowed and excess wood moved, one half of my compost rack repaired that the goats managed to destroy using it as a horn and scratching post. And I got the gate situation fixed so I can once again run the sheep where they need to be when I need to. And the water line repair is holding without an issue so I plan on turning the pressure up more tomorrow. My hope is to have seedlings going and the garden ready for planing my this Saturday. 

It actually has dried out almost completely but I been doing this long enough now there is no way this Missouri weather is going to trick me into planting before the first week in May. I have been tricked too many times and washed out completely too many times before to fall for it again.

All and all I just need to see where my new limits are and adapt as best as possible to these new circumstances. My guess is things are going to start changing much more rapidly as Summer goes by.


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!


  1. here's a thought---hold onto it and marvel...i rarely have any.
    start a lumber garden
    black walnut 20 years til salable, yellow poplar 5 years
    interplant pastures with these and other trees that make good lumber
    as pasture becomes available continue planting
    in your old age you will have something to live on if wood is still valuable in a mad max world !

    1. deb - Thats funny you mention that. I got a couple of walnut trees that I wish I had never planted now that I keep tripping on the walnuts :)

  2. plant trees where you don't walk!
    probably can be left alone til timber harvest
    as sheep keeping wanes it is a good use of former pasture and should prove profitable
    may pay for retirement especially if usa breaks up or just collapses
    only 5 yaers for yellow poplar
    consult local university for tree suggestions

  3. also pecans! eaton rapids joe had a column about them i did not know there were northern pecans before


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