
Friday, April 21, 2023



Well we got one last night. A nice hard frost came though and would have killed anything I was stupid enough to have put out so far. Luckily I am no where near that inexperienced as I have mentioned here before. One of the hardest lessons I ever learned about homesteading on the edge of the Great Plains is "Don't get all ahead of yourself"

There is a good reason none of the few farmer type neighbors I have left don't even bother to begin plowing and planting until May. A few have began conditioning their fields and that is about it yet. We also have several days of rain being forecast next week now until the end of April so I would bet the fields are going to be mud now for a bit too. My little seedlings are going to remain snug. safe and warm until at least the second week of May as we are also predicted to have another hard freeze tonight as well.

Other than a hard frost things have been going rather nice around here to be honest. Traffic really seems to be slowing down and I have seen a marked lessening in just general busy bee nonsense  everywhere it seems. Work reminds me more of pre-Scamdemic times than anything else and so does traffic and congestion in general everywhere.

As for work I think it is hard to convey just how times have changed on that topic. For the last year plus I been averaging 8 to 12 vehicle deliveries a day minimum. Mixed together and just unceremoniously dumped off with extremely bad paper trails, shoddy workmanship and no quality control. I would literally find vehicles just parked willy nilly and haphazardly in lots with so called keyless entry cards thrown in under seats and dents all over them that of course had been sold and the customers told the vehicles were available to be picked up before they had even arrived.

These same customers would then demand these vehicles be ready for them to drive three states away within an hour or something. Not even realizing that I still had five other vehicles plus three more loads that expected the same special treatment.

Last November I had a pre-ordered F-150 that got delivered to the wrong dealership over an hour away but they called and told the customer his truck was in. That special old snowflake then drove to the other dealership just in time for the delivery company to go back and get it, load it up and start back to fix the problem and that Asshole customer had the nerve to complain that I had them bring the truck here. He expected to go an hour away and get it to take home right off the carrier.

I don't know what is up completely but if things even appear to be going back to the way they have been this last couple of years or so I swear I am just going to retire. I never want to go through the kind of BS I have seen this last year. Free money and easy credit for everyone is just not the way the world was meant to be. Traffic is 1000 times easier these days again, even with inflation items I have not seen available for months are showing up available again. I am sorry but people need to be told NO much more than they think they do I imagine.

Looks like my next move now is I new layer of hay mulch covering my garden to get ready for real planting and allow some work over the mud.

Everything has it time and so far we seem to be moving right along just as intended.


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



  1. Frost free date here is April 22, as was drummed into my thick skull by the Vo Ag teacher back about 1962 or so. Hard frost forecast for tonight right on schedule. Potatoes and onions in the ground, everything else still in the greenhouse. My dad always said that what you plant in May will catch or pass what you planted in April by June.

    1. Tickmeister - I always seem to remember the April 15th date as being our last frost around here until this year anyway. I have nothing in the ground yet as even the potatoes seem to rot here if I put em in before May. This next week is ground cover week for me and I am aiming for everything to be in the ground by May 15th.

  2. Have you been able to figure out who is telling the customers they can pick up early, PP? It would seem to be an easy problem to correct…

    1. Filthie - That is coming direct from Ford Corp HQ is what I am told and they are not all that accurate about where the vehicles are actually at when they call either. Was a real pain there for a while but slowing down now I think.

  3. Up near the true head of the Mississippi it's a brisk 17 degrees and sunny, with snow covering everything but small flood-puddles the mallards use to eat roots. Good luck, I'm just now thinking what seedlings I want to start.

    1. MN Steel - God I miss that Minn accent of the pretty girls getting out in the Spring. I left a piece of myself in Western Wisconsin and Eastern Minnesota.


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