
Sunday, March 12, 2023

Sunday Reading - Refusing To Admit The Fundamental Problem


So aside from everyone being worried about bank runs, real-estate crashing,  mammoth snow storms and now more so than earlier food shortages plus a lack of beef to buy at any cost for the future. I also read today along with what seems to be endless calls for war against China (plus Mexico) by the usual warhawk Democrats, that the Yuan is now consistently ahead of the Dollar in direct trading and has been for a few months.  I am not sure where my source came by that last information but it seemed at least possible to me. I think China has been aiming for this eventuality for decades and the cost of trading under the woke Democrat Vote buyers is just too high for the normal and sane world to continue. 

War with Mexico would be no more than recruitment by the Democrats by military conquest. I guess just throwing a party for them and inviting em in isn't happening fast enough anymore. I can assure you we will have prolly 10 more Democrat territories by the time it was over complete with BiteMe appointed drug king-pins as territorial governors. Which ever ones give his son the most anyway...

The point is there is not a topic out there right now that puts the West and Western Politicians in a good light. Yet many of these same topics were on discussion by several of my close relations this weekend. Democrat supporting, low level bureaucrats all who claim to be outraged about the crime in this country but say nothing about the crimes perpetrated by their very own big government leaders. If you even mention the direct connections their Democrat leaders have to anything it's always "They are all the Same,  There is only one party" Yet they never seem to support the Same Republicans in that Party do they?

Why I will never disagree that there are in fact Republicans that are just as bad as Democrats (YA I am looking directly at you Roy Blunt who I hope gets a jail cell right next to that traitor bitch from Montana that ran the J6 travesty) The big difference is those types of Republicans sacrifice themselves when they show their colors. Democrat supporters, like my relations, just keep supporting theirs. No matter what but all for their own gains IMO.

They fail to see how these packaged sub-prime loans are going to effect their pensions later, or how their failed Democrat policies gave em a job but now will mean it ends because it was unsustainable. Etc. These same idiots will be the first to declare that I am just a racist or filled with hate when I seem happy about the housing prices falling or proclaim it is "good" that sales are down. 

Well I got news for em a housing boom is not any better for my finances than a Bust is for theirs.

In the end none of it is going to matter. They will keep supporting the Dems as long as the money flows and will never admit why any of it happened.

What I wonder is how will they react when the money stops flowing? That is when the rubber will really meet the road now isn't it?

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


1 comment:

  1. I am playing hooky from school today. I had intended to work on a tractor but started reading blogs and applying for other jobs. My experience as a groundskeeper at a small University has not filled me with hope for the future. The Uni teaches you two conflicting concepts. First, it is form over function. Following the right ideology or thinking the right thoughts will cover any incompetence. But, it is okay to lie, cheat, or steal if it is for a "just cause." I suppose these are not contradictory, the will of the party is all important, ignoble means are justified by a noble cause. But, these are not the phases used. There is not attribution, in fact if you point out social change through class struggle, or that sometimes the oppressed need to be convinced they are oppressed, (for the good of the party) you are laughed at.


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