
Tuesday, March 7, 2023

OH Happy Day!!!


The above is a picture of Nubby. She is happy because the sheep were not all that excited about leaving the East Pasture I opened up for them today and were a bit slow on the uptake when I put grain out for them meaning it was fair game for goats to steal. At least what they can get to through the fence anyway. Usually the sheep will make sure any underhanded Goat that tries this move pays for it but not today.

The sheep on the other hand ran around like new lambs when I opened the gate to the East side. I haven't seen em that happy in years. They were hopping around stiff legging and head butting each other. All of em of course but the three oldest girls anyway. Lilly, marble-cake, and 244 all just kinda stood off to the side and tried to make themselves unappealing as a target. Lilly kinda failed but scampered as fast as her old bones could go to get behind the other old girls and hide when she was targeted.

Of the 10 remaining sheep we have two ancients, two almost retired or just old ones, two getting older and four that are just now climbing out of their teen years. The teens were the real playful ones. The youngest four are from the last batch of lambs and are just past three years old now. They are the ones I may have to think about finding new homes for as two of em are whethers and brothers to boot so I don't see anyone busting the doors down wanting em. Our only other whether is one of the just old ones and he was playing with the rest. He is the luckiest sheep ever as the wife adopted him as a lamb years ago and protected him from getting sorted into a market batch. The thing is the size of a steer and as gentle as well a lamb. 

The problem child is Rita. She is about 2 years older than the teens and mean as hell. She thinks she is the leader of this little flock and thinks Humans and Dogs were put on Earth to play with. It has been several months now since I had to put her down into shearing posture so she is really feeling her oats. I cannot turn my back on her period as she will charge the first chance she sees and let me tell you she can knock me down if I don't know she is coming. Her charges are rarely not very far to be honest a couple of steps but as I get more unstable on my feet she is still growing bigger. 

I spent most of the day splitting wood and watching the geese come and go from the corn fields I have directly next to me and across the road. I guess there just are not many left around because while the amount of Geese isn't unusual having them here everyday like this is. There are three individual groups that come and go all day long it seems with stragglers here and there, prolly about 250 to 300 that are hanging around day and night now. They used to throw a racket when I went out but now just ignore me, However they really upset my oaf of a dog and I have to be extra careful he doesn't try and run after them as it requires crossing the highway. 

Anyway while I was getting wood to split from my pile was when I noticed just how much the colder growing types of grass had sprung up here lately and decided to let the sheep out in the Eastern side finally. They haven't hardly touched the hay in weeks so I figure it's been growing now for a bit but they are keeping it cropped down pretty close on the West side. I closed the East side off back in November cause it gets very muddy in a  few places. Not today though it had dried out enough I let em go and go they did.

It was kinda crummy day weather-wise really not all that warm but it did get up into the 50's with a chilly wind but for farm animals in March I imagine it was perfect. Even the Chickens seemed to be happy. 

Got colder, windier and started raining after dark and now I have three cats staring at me with murderous intent wondering why I decided to make it start raining. I got news for em the forecast says to expect these low 50's highs and rainy cloudy days pretty much until April now. Winter ain't over yet but things are looking up.


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!





  1. Great post. Animal antics always make me happy. This time of year they're all excited about forage finally growing.


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