
Thursday, February 23, 2023

Importing Crime


I can remember back in my college years I was pretty torn on how I wanted to proceed after my freshman year. I went ahead and stuck with History but I was close to switching to Sociology or one of the related fields until I figured out where they were heading and knew it wouldn't work out well for me in the long run.

The problems I have these days is I can remember a fair amount of information from back in those days and I remember a lot of information that simply cannot be found any longer. I am one of the few old guys I know who actually kept just about every text book or assigned reading I had during college and I have actually went back and searched for printed facts only to be informed that the particular fact I went looking for is no longer acknowledged as a fact due to bias or racism etc.  

Funny that there is often no addendum or reference to new data. Just not accepted status and gone is what I usually find. I notice these peculiarities often when dealing with Adolescence Psych data too I had to take for my teaching certifications as well. Especially when dealing with racial statistics and such... Go Figure.

My point is I can remember an in-depth look we did once on policing and how the numbers were so much different around the world. Not only that but how much smaller the numbers were for Asian and European areas compared to South American, Middle Eastern, and African areas.  What I found interesting was not even the possible repercussions of various crimes around the world significantly changed the numbers much. Capital punishments seemed to have no effect BUT it was never mentioned how many minor crimes were ignored in some areas or not counted while they were enforced more strictly in European and Asian areas.

Talk about racism huh.

Yet our raging Liberal Woke Democrat cultist don't even think US crime enforcement would rise with open immigration? 

I would imagine the recommended ratio of Police to population is being reported by the old numbers and the change in our National  mix is way over balanced not to mention I doubt anyone has taken into account how many more laws are now required to be enforced. 

Just speeding and traffic laws boggle the mind in this case. Yet these same Democrat kooks scream to de-fund the Police. Or did anyway before it got so unpopular and crime rose so much.

My point of view back then was let em. The cops have been so far under funded in this country for years they been mostly useless or worse yet just down right oppressive for twenty years or more. 

There was even an article about it over at Zerohedge today but they are everywhere regardless. Crime is leaving the cities and looking for new victims and it is only going to get worse. If we are going to invite in the third world to help the Democrats get what they want someone is going to have to pay for it by increased Police presence no matter how hidden or racist it is to point it out.  

My bet is it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better so plan accordingly and...


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!



  1. The agrarian can do well for himself if he has the courage. Shoot, shovel and shut up is going to be the order of the day.

    1. maybe prepare a fenced trench in an out of the way place in case freezing weather or lack of gas for the tractor impede quick disposal

  2. I have advanced degrees in nursing and behavioral science and nothing today is taught what we were taught even in the mid eighties when I finished schools. History? My minor actually and you crack open a school history book today and it is like we were teleport-ed to a Twilight Alternative Universe...

  3. homeschool yours
    we did.
    they learn to read and you supply appropriate books
    job done !

  4. “ Capital punishments seemed to have no effect…”

    My question there, PP…is how do you know? Think about it. How would you structure a study or survey to get any reliable results? How could you put a reliable number on the amount of people that would seriously kill someone were it not for the consequences of getting caught? Wherever you see people go soft on crime, the crime rates immediately spike upward…

  5. Corrupted data gives crappy results (OR exactly the results you PAID FOR).

    For example, FBI demographic data shows clearly 13% of the population does some 55% (or more) of the violent crime.

    NOT Popular data among the liberal crowd.

    But the Liberal Narrative NEEDS GUNS to be Evil not the heart of the person doing the crime.

    Any number of anti-prison "Studies" can PROVE that Prison is a bad idea. A Center of advanced thuggery education at best.

    The repeat rate of prison (or no money bail before the ink is dry on the police report) for violent crimes is insane.

    The repeat rate of a dead thug is zero.

    The Party of Chaos has two wings. The Dems and the Repugs

    Protect your family. Remember that the 3 "S"s means

    SHUT UP. Not even clever brags what you might do if....

    They researched Rittenhouse's social media (just like this blog) for suggestions he was going to the "Mostly peaceful protests" of AntiFa to DO SOMETHING.

    You are aware even after we paid for his successful defense, THEY decided to do a "Civil Rights Violation" against Rittenhouse.


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