
Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Checking Out of the Insanity


I have said this before and I am sure will say it alot over the next few years until my time comes but this world reads like a dystopian future fantasy story these days. Beyond any belief I could ever have had and then some. I used to read and watch the news of the world with interest just to see how things were going but I never suspected half of the predictions made for how crazy the world would get back 40 or 50 years ago would start to come true in such vivid and obvious ways in my own lifetime.

I have literally checked out from the whole thing these days. Oh I still take interest in the particulars but my course has been set until the end at this point and nothing is going to change that. The one world progressive Democrat woke Multi-cult can declare me and everything I have illegal today for all I care. They can take my job and every bit of money I have. Make it illegal for me to live and the final result will still be the same. 

Only when they come and finish me right here. I am not leaving no matter what. They can raise my taxes. Say I owe em millions, Turn my power off, water I don't care. I may end up hunting squirrels in the back of my pasture or digging up cattails to roast over an open fire but I ain't leaving. Period.

Not saying I could stand up to them or defend myself or even be a tough hold out. Just saying I ain't ever leaving voluntarily.

You might wonder why I am being so silly right now but occasionally I see something so outside my borders of belief I realize this world is no place for me any longer. Today I got a bunch of vehicles in and one caught my eye that was dropped off about 2AM and waiting for me when I got in this morning.

I am not going to mention the model but suffice it to say the sticker price on this vehicle was 82K. Ok easy to believe so far but it had an MSRP (or markup) of almost 60K on top and was already sold. Had been sold since August of last year. So I did a bit of snooping and was told the buyer claimed to have a monthly salary of 80K. Monthly. 

That's like almost a Million a Year if my math is right.

Of course to get money like that around here and not be a well known business name or movie star you either are attached to the government or the State University (same thing I know). Sure enough that was a big check to the affirmative. 

So I AM DONE. No more. You might think this would shake my belief in Free Enterprise or  Capitalism or some such like a stupid woke vapid socialist kid. But I know the real crime behind this sort of thing is big Government and the only solution is complete collapse and after all these years the only thing I can do is sit back, eat popcorn and laugh as it falls apart. 

The only cure for the ailment we are living under these days is the removal of the easily fooled,  lead and lied to mob rule democracy that we currently have. 

Eventually enough people will say no more I imagine but I won't be around to help by then I fear but I am on my last lap as far as I am concerned. It is obvious to me that a normal honest person cannot survive in such government corruption and flat out thievery as we are forced to abide today. Only thing left to do is rely on yourself and watch this shit show fall apart. I wonder how fast it going to go?

Sorry just had to rant a bit today!!!

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!




  1. Having worked in a new car dealership all my career (service technician) I could not believe the addendums added to high demand vehicles. And the fools lined up to pay it. I'm with you on the current state of affairs in America. The solution to all the power grabbing and corruption can only be collapse. At my age there's nothing I can do about it either and when it starts it will happen relatively quickly. Thanks and take care,Allan

    1. Allan - I hear ya. They can always find a sucker willing to spend all of someone else's money that is for sure.

  2. PP, I follow economic news because that is most impacting to my life and to a lesser extent some international news, as that seems to be the sort of thing likely to create real issues. But local or national news? I have given up. There is a part of me that is simply wanting to forget and be forgotten by the modern world.

    1. I can see that TB. National news is about as low as I go and that is just ridiculous anymore

  3. I have to say that I agree with you. There might be some hope if it were only happening on a national level, but it's global. They won't be happy until they've destroyed the whole thing (and even then it will be somebody else's fault.)

    1. Leigh - I am past the point of understanding it has to be greed that is driving this but I just cannot imagine that much greed.

  4. Of course you’re correct, I think we’re all just waiting for the collapse. Yes I’m old, but I think there’s a pretty good chance I’ll be living in a tent, and eating whatever I can find. And yes fifty years ago you could not have convinced me that this is where we would end up.

    1. Me either anon. I am sure I will be picking up sticks for warmth and living off vegetables I grow myself before this is done at this point. Until some squad of brain dead goons are sent to collect up what little I have left anyway.

  5. I'm there with you, PP. I feel the same way, and to a large extent, have done the same thing. There was a time when people kept "eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage,... up to the day Noah entered the ark..." I'm sure people thought Noah was crazy too...

  6. Sometimes I feel as though I'm living in a dystopian novel.

    1. Unfortunately, you're in a dystopian reality...

    2. Hear Hear both of you. This whole thing seems one step beyond now.

  7. keep praying, please the worst is yet to come
    am waiting for the day foretold when 'the government shall be upon His shoulders.'.
    maranatha !!

  8. I’ll be completing my 70th trip around the sun in august. We’re retired, have no debt and a nice little country house, chickens, dogs and sheep. My neighbor raises beef and pigs. Everyone gardens.

    My nearest neighbor is just under a mile as the crow flies.

    Like you, I’m done ✅

    I’m choosing to ignore the broader world and focus on local which is how we live anyway.

    I no longer give effort to the District of Criminals. What ever they do, they will do and the will of the people be damned.

    It’s wise to read your enemies playbook but only to glean necessary intelligence. They’ve gotten openly hostile


    1. I agree I am no longer following rules or care I am just waiting till they come for me as I am pretty sure they are going to before this ends now.


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