
Sunday, July 10, 2022

Sunday Reading - It's gonna Happen Eventually

I must say I am pretty impressed at just how far down the lawless cities have managed to fall in 4 or 5 years. I can't say Trump did much to stop that during his term, not that anyone could have after eight years of the OBummer anyway.

Of course the Femocrats don't just limit their crimes to cities.

Just this week alone I saw where some Woman set a guy on fire in LA. A group of about 5 teenage black kids beat and kicked a man to death in the middle of the street. Illegal Aliens caught planning a mass murder over the forth in Virginia I think. Top Femocrats encouraging abortion-worshipers to attack SCOTUS judges. BiteMe selling much needed oil by the Millions of Barrels to China. 

The only thing blocking a full fledged hot mini-war in some areas is simply that the government quislings are still being paid and still maintain almost immediate response times against the law abiding. The illegal violent Lefties know they have plenty of time to pull off their attacks, however the resources the government has to abuse the Lawful are beginning to wear a bit thin too. When the playing field levels out a bit some of the city edges are going to become war zones while the insides remain lawless wastelands.  

This kind of chaotic step down slow collapse is why I have always preached self sufficiency and small cottage level production above all else. As supply lines crumple local production will be more and more in demand and may in fact be the only thing keeping some alive. Perhaps for a long period of time depending on how the overall politics play out.

Of course you will still need to avoid the quislings so even cottage level production mat have to wait until the political situation allows such things. 

It is honestly beginning to look to me like this has turned into something more than a simple political fray like the Left has been attempting for years. My current theory is the Western Liberal/Multi-Cult got too far ahead of themselves and too frustrated by slow progress after they had plucked all the low hanging fruit at home. They then pushed too far and too fast into the world stage and thereby triggered the opening rounds of the World Wide Resource War. 

Russia had an easy excuse for Ukraine but I am betting all that farm land in the East of the country is looking pretty good for what they see coming down the road about now. 

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!

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