
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

And So the Siege Begins.... Again


So it begins. The hunt continues for every Patriot who can be identified from the January 6th Trump rally. The first press conference has been done and guess what everything is due to "Systemic Racism" from climate change to Covid. 11 Million illegals will be made Legal according to Biteme with another 30 million or so to come. That way they won't need to resort to fraud for the next election. Many of those on the left are already clamoring for a "New Secret Police" over at the Daily Beast. Oh ya and guess what they are already declaring the Covid Crisis ending.... It's a miracle but you still need to wear your mask for another 100 days.

Reparations, student loan dismissal, mandatory racial training, Federal gun bans, more taxes of course. It's all gonna be showing up soon. Look for energy prices to begin skyrocketing soon as well too and a national ban on wood stoves and fireplaces. 

Lord only knows what else they will come up with before the end of February. 

On the plus side I haven't even started feeding from this years hay harvest yet. Oh I am using a couple of bales right now for feeding but only cause the newer bales were easier to move to those locations. The largest share of livestock are still eating last years hay, and I am over feeding that to give em more than needed plus a daily grain allotment. No point in being miserly when it needs to be used before it spoils anyway and you have plenty of a reserve. Best to keep options open right now though as I could need to switch from simple continuation to actual production again in a heartbeat. 

Of course everything is still mostly all rhetoric at this point. Still getting the lay of the land but I am watching for when the stones begin to fly.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!


  1. This country is in for a downfall like we have never seen before. The budget will be out the window and money will be spent like a bunch of drunken sailors on shore leave. God help us, our great great grandchildren will be trying to pay off our national debt.

    1. Granny yep. Of course spending has always been out of control and no Republican can stop it now even if they tried. What has been keeping that ball going is the foreign nations that know its cheaper for them to keep the US strung out on debt while sending us their trash than it is to end us.

      I do worry about the up coming grand children though they are gonna be hit hard.

  2. Biden's first order of business as PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES; to represent and pander to foreign nationals living in our country illegally. That about says it all...

  3. I mean, I guess it's the least he could do for them after they voted for him...

  4. bale as you can
    fuel may not be available or else priced high

    1. Deb - ya I have thought of that. One reason I down sized recently was so I have a small enough stock number to let them pretty much survive on my own pastures if forced to.

  5. Terrible, Terrible time ahead, still prepping...


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