
Sunday, October 9, 2016

Sunday Reading - My Favorite Season

Fall and Spring are the two best seasons around the Small-Hold. The temps are usually in my major comfort range and each bring welcome change but I think Fall is the best out of the two. Spring brings with it too much rain and the specter of constant weed growth along with more and more heat each day while Fall usually means there will come a point when I know I can relax a bit more. Especially this year now that I have managed to really build up a good firewood reserve once again.

The fields begin to look cleaner and the impenetrable weeds around the edges start drying up and dying off. The sheep especially become much happier in the cooler weather and the slight bite to the air brings me out of a morning foggy stupor faster.

This Fall of course I will be focusing on the never ending, takes forever and seems to make small progress fencing project. In fact I hope to get a huge portion of it finished today. Frazier has been moved to his temporary holding and the forecast is for sunny skies and very mild, cool temps so I hope I can get it done. The next step will be to build Frazier a shelter for his new paddock then actually fencing the paddock itself after I drop a few larger weed trees that have grown up in the fence. So far this little section has been the slowest and most difficult to coordinate out of the entire project but it is also the most important section too.

The forecast is looking mild and dry all week as well so either this evening or tomorrow I will cut the front field for the last time and then put away the hay equipment for the year.

Like I said things are winding down now and the to do list is seeming a bit more manageable for a change.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!


  1. I enjoy fall too, Glad you can get back on track

    1. Rob - Yep a lot of work though now crammed into a short period.

  2. almanc says terrible winter. any firewood extra is good to have.

  3. I like the autumn as well, it'd this time of year I get to benifit from all the hard work of the last few seasons. This is the time of year were I say that I'm going to do everything better next year and then don't!

  4. I love the winding down at this time of the year, but I also love the fresh start again in the spring, I also love winter a time to re-energise and summer with the light evenings, I like them all and glad in our country there is a variation in the seasons :-)

    1. Dawn - I love the seasons yes but I am finding I can;t take the heat and humidity near as well as I used to.

  5. Now that the hurricane went by it is sunny and breezy, really feels like fall. I have harvested most of the tobacco leaves and found that the seed you sent produces better textured leaves than the Virginia Gold which turns yellow. I have them aging in sealed boxes and they should be good for cigar wrappers. Of course I have to figure how to make them but at maybe $5 each it would be worth learning. Probably illegal to sell but maybe a trade for something some day. Just imagine smokers in a grid down situation!

    1. Sf - I guess it would be illegal to sell it but I know there is no longer a limit or laws as to growing tobacco. Apparently they stopped doing that a few years back. The guy I bought my rake from still grows a few hundred acres of the stuff.

  6. Glad things are more manageable! I need to get out and dig sweet potatoes before we get a frost. Although they turned out really wonky and I'm not sure how they are going to fare in storage.

    1. Man I miss not having Sweet potatoes this year. Last year when I dug mine up my son thought they were cow embryos.

  7. Weeds along fence line are such a pain...but your right about fall being a good time to get things done.

    1. Fiona - Why I love the sheep in there. They clean out almost everything :)


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