
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

You Say You Want A Revolution.....

So ya know I get it. When I heard the bull shit about this whole Hillary email and classified information fiasco this morning the first thing that came into my mind were the lines from that character Jim Winthrop in the 1992 movie remake of  "Last of the Mohicans".

I believe if they set aside their law as and when they wish, their law no longer has rightful authority over us. All they have over us then is tyranny and I will not live under that yoke so I will stay here no longer. 

It's a very moving quote that for the life of me I cannot remember if it is in the actual book. I don't think it is actually, since the actual story is pretty different from the movie version. Despite the more liberal bent of that particular remake I did enjoy it but I digress.

The point is I understand the feeling. I too would like to join a group of patriots and pull this sneering, elitist, above the law bunch of crooks down. As is also typical in times such as these I have seen plenty of people commenting about how our ancestors would already be marching or fighting...

Again while I understand the sentiment I must disagree and to those who like to call others cowards and say they are doing nothing I can only say that many of those who scream for open warfare are actually still in fact working for the enemy. Myself included, although I like to think I am doing it much less than most.

It's simple really. In order for a movement against tyranny to succeed there must be a viable way for the defenders of tyranny to run out of resources. Yes our ancestors went against immense odds and managed to make the cost of tyranny too great on a couple of occasions but no group of oppressed people have ever in the history of the world stood up against a government armed with FIAT currency and unlimited debt.

Of course ultimately there is no such thing as unlimited debt but the economics of today pretty much means when it comes to the survival of a government what was once a dollar in resources is now more like 1/1000th of a cent. It literally means nothing to them until the credit stops.

I am not saying there will never be a time for a show of physical resolve. Indeed I think that time will come but not until the economic back of unlimited funds has been broken. To show physical resolve before then is simply suicide.

For those who say such a view is cowardly I would point out that every time those people buy a car, pay a house payment, go to some high paying job or pay taxes they are aiding and abetting the tyrants. If they really wish to fight against such tyranny as we see in this latest Hillary fiasco then they must be actively removing themselves as much as possible from the system. No one can of course remove themselves completely from it but are they truly doing all they can?  In many cases I doubt it. I have even seen anti-government stickers on cars in government employee parking lots. You think those types are really fighting government tyranny?

Just my take on this whole messed up political tyranny we find ourselves in. Yes there are points that can be reached were making a stand even against such odds may become necessary. There may indeed be a straw that breaks the back so to speak and bring with it a time when my view no longer matters. Yet until then the best way to fight tyranny is to starve it as much as possible when everything is leveraged against you doing just that.

That is an action that takes remarkable resolve.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!



  1. Preppy, I am so angry and sad at the same time. The Rule of Law is over. And without the Rule of Law, civilizations cannot exist.

    Rules for the elites different than rules for the commoners. That, as I recall, did not work out so well in France...

    1. TB - Ya know though we been living under different rules for different people for years now if you think about it. Ever since the so-called civil rights movement which really just meant special rules for everyone who wasn't White and Male.

  2. The news today was not a real surprise when you consider who it was about. To have the FBI Director layout the case with more damning evidence than they used to prosecute Generals and others in the past and then to pull the rug out from under everything and claim that there was not enough to prosecute is just a spineless move. I'm sure their fear is a Clinton presidency and fear not having a job.

    I agree that this would not be the time for an insurrection because the elites are still able to cash checks and are still able to provide the free-stuff-army with enough goodies to buy loyalty with our tax dollars.

    However, I would not be surprised to start hearing about assassination attempts on political figure heads. All leading to more gun control of course except this is part of the reason for the Second Amendment.

    With all of the frustration with the proles, anymore proof of rigged elections and lawlessness might be the match to the pool of gas the progressives are swimming in.

    Just my opinion...

    1. BYMF - I hear ya. Eventually this stranglehold the government has is going to slip. We just need to keep watching, waiting and prepping for it.

  3. An interesting read, and I am as sorry for the future of the USA as I am the UK now that they are leaving the EU. As for France, I am sure that it has its own political problems, but they tend to be in the background with us because of our inefficiency at speaking French!

    1. Vera - I have never been much of an EU fan honestly. For good or ill I have always thought governments should be as small as possible. When I lived in Europe though it was pretty common to find English living in France etc though even before the EU wasn't it?

  4. Well put. Unfortunately those who would control the world have worked hard to ensnare people in the system so that true cultural disengagement takes real work. It takes a willingness to live with less and live less comfortably that the people around us. Still, you're either part of the solution or part of the problem. There is no fence to ride on this one.

    1. Leigh - The only thing I can say is that at least the 100% welfare types are actually helping bring the system down more than the token employee types. The ultimate anti-government freedom fighter these days is someone who gets all the welfare they can AND then votes against it :)

  5. We had an American Revolution in Virginia in 1676, everyone got tortured and hanged and it took 100 years for the rest of the colonies to get to the point to try it again. In short the new elites will have to be strong enough to defeat the old elites, there is no getting rid of elites only the hope of having good ones. The people who want freedom don't have a political party now, both parties are corrupted with the same big government global elites who back the current central bank debt finance scheme. When these people exclude themselves from their own laws then the chance of 1676 violence increases greatly though it might not amount to anything.

    1. SF - Ya there has to be enough of them or you have to be smart enough to stay in the shadows until public opinion swings your way I guess.

  6. It is a disturbing thing but the strength need to change and repair the government is not here yet. Great Read!

    1. Fiona - I think the strength would be here easily if it wasn't for government's unlimited credit card right now. In fact though if it wasn't for that credit we wouldn't be at this point to begin with I guess.

    2. Ahh the government goody wagon! Its a catch 22 isn't it.


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