
Sunday, July 24, 2016

Sunday Reading - It's Soooo Hot....

Finally all the mechanical equipment is at least running and back ready for duty. Oh except the sickle bar mower that I still need to work on. Both garden tractors went down at the same time but they are fixed. I am now well over the 3K mark in mechanical repairs for the season and it looks like we got a long ways to go until things slow down.

The grass is actually growing so fast that not even the rams can keep it eaten down in their paddocks. I have never seen that before especially in July. Typically the rams are always jonesin for some fresh greens but not this year so far,

How hot is it? Well it's so hot that when I spread the wax cappings out on a plastic tub lid for the bees to clean the honey off of the cappings actually melted just sitting in the sun. No glass covered, insulated box needed.

I think a bead of sweat dripped on the camera lens in that pic but the bright yellow stuff you see is pure bees wax that actually melted out of the cappings while they were laying out. Wow that's some heat.

The poor sheep are convinced they are dying and some have even stopped venturing out of the barn for anything less than grain during day light. They are making short work of the round bales I am putting in the lot for them and munching it after dark but with the humidity so high I can't let them out into the pasture at night because that's when the Barberpole Worm nymphs or nematodes or whatever they are called come up into the grass.

After another armored nest clearing action the broody hen has finally given up. She moved to another nest after I cleaned out the old one but throwing her off it a couple times finally broke the cycle. Egg production did go up a bit when the heat died down some but is now once again down with the rising temps.

More rain and heat predicted for this week too. It's gonna be a long week let me tell ya.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!


  1. I've had some serious thought on how to keep cool during the summer heat if a grid down situation took hold. Arkansas is probably just as intolerable as Missouri, but I could be wrong. Anyways, solar panels are key for water circulation, fans, and a hideaway by digging deep for the Earth's coolness (55 if memory serves me) with the last being the least in energy input. Thoughts?

    A lot of people are gonna die from the southern heat and humidity, as well are the lean winter months if an EMP goes off. My worst case scenario that I keep working on....

  2. Hot here but we put up hay in it, I think K is right about digging deep, wouldn't hurt to have a storm shelter combination. The worry is that a hard rain/snow will flood it so it has to have drainage and pumps otherwise you can't keep good stuff down there.

  3. Stupid hot here as well. And humid. So much missing Montana right now.

    K, that is a serious consideration. In all climates, a failure in the power grid will reverberate through all living arrangements. Lots of folks in Arizona may rethink their living location...

  4. Crazy hot here too and our HVAC unit went out. We already added freon once this summer so it seems we are going to have to bite the bullet and buy a new one. Ugh. Not looking forward to coughing up that money.

    We finally got our hay cut and it turned out really well so that's good at least.

    1. Check the side panel of the HVAC unit. There is a capacitor there about the size of a pop can or a little smaller diamter. If its oilly on the outside or if the case is deformed its blown.

      Ours went and one HVAC place said the unit was an off brand and no parts etc etc. So i called a 2nd place and they came out and replaced the capacitor. $50 part and it runs like new. Evidently 90% of the time they stop working its the capacitor that died.


    2. If the condenser fan comes on, and you hear the compressor "try" to come on and then kick out, or if the circuit breaker for the unit pops, your compressor's done. If the fan on the condenser comes on, but the compressor doesn't, it could be that the Freon pressure has gotten too low, but that capacitor would be the first thing to check. A good friend of mine who's an A/C guy said the capacitors last about five years, on average. It's a stupid-easy fix. It'll take you more time to get the side cover off the unit than to replace that capacitor. Kill the power to the unit, remove the side cover, and the cap will be right there. Write down what color wire goes to what terminal (the terminals have either a letter or number next to each one). Remove the capacitor, and take it down to your local A/C shop and ask for a replacement for it. It'll run you about $30.00. If replacing the capacitor does the trick, go back to the A/C shop and buy another one to keep as a spare. Also; a lot of times these things "die in their sleep," and won't show any outward sign of their demise.

    3. Just replaced a capacitor yesterday. It lasted around 5 years or so. My electrician got the last one at the local supply house.

  5. Our eggs production has plummeted...I cannot blame the hens at all. They hide in shady places all day and drink about 5 times more water. They love frozen treats from my deep freeze cleaning project...freezer burned or outdated vegetables are a cold and welcome snack in this heat.

  6. I hope you didn't jinx yourself with the "all the mechanical..." statement!

  7. It was 113 degrees at my place on Friday. Incredibly, I'm still getting a few eggs! I'm surprised they aren't hard boiled!

    As for "digging in;" People got along before A/C, and will continue to dos so after it dies. We're tougher than the Liberals would have us believe! ...And no; we're not "crazies..."

  8. I'll bite. I'm no liberal, and I do realize that many a southerner got along very well without AC. I do have a particularly knowledgable elder that will be in our retreat group that has trouble dealing with the heat. In short, I'll be needing an area for her to survive.


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