
Sunday, July 10, 2016

Sunday Reading - As Things Fall Apart

We are seeing the end result of 60 some odd years of victim politics. Everyone has a theory of course and some of them still mix it up with other groups supporting each other back and forth. The largest single groups to retain solidarity of course currently are the various racial groups which the Multi-Cult/Feminist government allowed/supported to keep their racial unity intact. In many cases with government supported fake unity between these groups to bring them together. Revisionist history, fake bogey men (always White) that type of thing.

The worst of the worst groups out there however are the ones who turned on their own and promoted this violence and the fairytale stories/ revisionist history for their own financial and/or political gain. Most of the public service unions, the professional bureaucrats, feminist groups who needed political allies etc.  For most of the last 60 years promoting myths such as "White Privilege" and "Institutional Racism" or "The Bad Old Days of Male Dominance" equaled out to more make work jobs for politically correct meetings and positions among other things, larger department budgets, more spending for materials, resources etc. Huge amounts of matching federal funds.

Why there was no end to the cash cow political correctness and victim politics brought to the table!!!

And these types never noticed the monster they were creating for their own short term gain.

This last year several of the groups/institutions who helped create this monster have begun to feel the bite of what they let out and nurtured all those decades. Democratic utopias such as Detroit, Chicago etc. are feeling the bite. Individual educational employees and feminist (usually one and the same) have been attacked in record numbers all across the Western societies from school beatings to mass sexual assaults by members of the very racial groups they championed.

While these horrific side effects of the multi-cult have awoken millions of individuals it as yet has done nothing to turn the tide in the institutional greed and opinions of the various groups who benefited from the victim politics. The pay out is still to great for them to defend their own contrary to the fake ideology they claim to support....

What's a dozen or so teachers raped, beaten and killed per year compared to the billions in dollars multi-cult fantasy stories bring in to make education equal? A couple of teenagers get groped at a concert? Why that's a small price to pay for all those allied votes we get for more affirmative action money looted from the White men. Even better we can then turn around and claim those White guys aren't men because they won't defend us any more.

A few White cops (and civilians too) are openly targeted? Oh it's understandable we just need to cave in more and listen better. Think of all the money we will lose if we don't sacrifice these individuals for the common good of our group.

The thing to remember right now is that no matter which group you belong to currently you are expendable and will gladly be sacrificed on the altar of the Multi-Cult to keep the cash flowing coming in.

The last 60 years have left us quite the mixed up complicated mess and straightening it back out is going to be violent and ugly. The time has come to pick your true group and not one that happens to fill your lust for greed and short term comfort.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!


  1. It's official, the head of BLM had his twitter account hacked and someone posted the info of him duscussing that they made a deal with Lynch to stop the elections and keep obama in the whitehouse.


    1. Exile - Now that IS interesting. I just have to shake my head at the numbers of Whites that still will refuse to let this sink in.

    2. I doubt that CNN is going to cover that story.


  2. Nobody will care until the internet and phones are taken down for national security reasons. Imagine when they take the electronic money system down, no trips to starbucks then, just assume the fetal position and wait for help from the people who turned the world off.

    1. Sf - How true. The masses won't stop watching their sports or pay attention until disruptions start. By then it is a much bigger problem though it's sad to say.

    2. Bread and circuses... Pay no mind to that man behind the curtain...

  3. Did you hear the comments about "Black Lives Matter" that Obama made while he was in Spain? He just adds gas to the situation in his smooth "Folksy, smarmy" way.

    1. Fiona - No I didn't hear them yet or if I did I didn't see where it was from Spain.I saw the comments he Made from Poland.

    2. Of course now I cannot find the video clip but here is a link. I will try again to find the video, it was his tone of voice that made us crazy.

  4. All the power struggles out there are overwhelming right now.

  5. We all need to face some very uncomfortable truths. Those eeeevil racists...welp, they're absolutely right about a few things. And as for those poor blacks/Mexicans/feminists/socialists? They've absolutely WRONG about a whole bunch of things.

    I see a race war, possibly a civil war coming for the USA. When whole, entire cities and states are going broke and refuse to stop spending, all they can do is go hunting and force others to pay the bill.

    I cannot see Texans, for example, being forced into servitude to states like California. We need to go back to appreciating the value of a buck, shaming slackers and failures and stop rewarding marginal people for undermining the rest of us.


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