
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Sunday Reading - As Social Spending Meets it's Summit

The other day I did a post about a few of the homeless camps I found nestled right inside a greenway belt of the smallish city I work in.

It is interesting to me that despite ever increasing government spending into the welfare and other social categories that we seem to be getting more and more of these dirt poor homeless individuals and then something else kinda jumped out at me. The overwhelming number of homeless I see are old, White and Male. There are of course some men of other races too but not nearly as many women but that could have a lot to do with safety more than anything else.

As the social spending increases, and increase it has if you look at the chart below.

It seems more and more of the disadvantaged poor seem to slip through our fingers. The truth is staring us right in our face and so many people refuse to see it. Social spending is actually creating more misery and poverty than it is removing. We cannot help a particular group of people without hurting some other group and as the graph rises the number of those hurt by it slip through the cracks and fall to the bottom.

For every single parent family of four we pump welfare checks and food stamps to we are now sentencing a couple of men to life on the streets. For every government employee above what is actually needed to get some bureaucratic work done some family is being forced into a shelter or worse which just makes the evil circle continue until it finally reaches a victim that cannot turn to the government for help because he is not eligible.

These victims are then cast aside, forgotten about, ignored and ultimately denied until a mysterious body shows up in some un-investigated obituary somewhere.

The other side of the coin is the social spending creates it's own base of support as each recipient then feels he or she is entitled and continues to push for more going to their particular sub-group. We are seeing this internal squabbling of sub-groups currently going on within the Femocrat party as those of one sub-group Sanders resonated with fight against the more traditional one's Hillary panders to.

We saw it too in the Republican party this election but the difference being that the social/government largess created a far smaller entitled group within the Republican party therefore the less entitled sub-group was easily able to overwhelm the other and get Trump nominated.

What looms before us now is an answer to an age old prediction made by Nixon back in the early 1970's.

Will the Femocrats begin fighting among themselves enough finally to change things around and break the conglomerate of minority and special interest group allies they have used for so long?

An interesting question.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!


  1. Liberals and democrats roll by dividing and conquering. If they do it long enough they become so divided and so discordant that they can't function any more. So they fall prey to the next largest victim group... In America's case, disaffected angry white men that have been footing the bill for liberal victim politics.

    Their women will get on board too. They have husbands, sons, brothers and fathers that have been screwed by feminism, political correctness and affirmative action too. Unlike feminists they know that if you hurt one gender - you hurt them both. And as far as that goes, the writing is on the wall for the homo and pan sexual freak shows too. Perversion, mental illness and degenerate behaviour is what it is, not what you call it.
    Trump is going to win by a landslide or there will soon be a civil/race war.

    1. GF - I hope you are right. If Hillary wins there will be violence sooner rather than later I imagine.

      Not sure if as a group enough White Women can admit what feminism is doing though to stand by the men these days.

  2. PP I didn't reply to your homeless post, but we saw homeless daily in Florida. It was so very sad to see. Thank god most of them left us alone.

    1. Rob - I imagine Florida has a lot more homeless than Missouri to say the least.

  3. most homeless in the UK are male and most in the younger age group, being male they are not eligible for housing a sign of the times

    1. Dawn - Same thing here I suspect although I see more older men myself. I imagine the younger ones are more able to find a sugar-momma or something along those lines.

  4. Survival blog had a link to The Bitch wish list once she gets elected, and which taxes with increase to pay for social programs. I guess I better get a second job or cut expenses once again, and there ain't much fat in our budget either. Maybe the $10/month Netflix needs to go, and we cut cable about 10 years ago to save for my schooling....

    As if 30% of my paycheck ain't enough already!

    1. K - Oh I know. If the dems win again then they know they got it in the bag and will go crazy.

  5. For what it is worth colloquially during our travels, the homeless - at least the ones on the corners - seem to be largely confined to larger cities. No evidence of them in Northwest Texas, Northern New Mexico, anywhere in Wyoming, and only (that I saw) in Bozeman in Montana. More so along the edge of the Rocky Mountains. Not sure what that indicates, other than a choice of climates and where things are most likely to be better. Certainly the lack of homeless through most of our travels did stick out to me.

    1. TB - I know we see much fewer homeless here in the Winter of course. There are some that manage to make it through Winter somehow though here.

  6. PP - One interesting support of the breakdown among liberals is the 180 degree turn around by environmental groups regarding the ethanol blends. I read about this in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution (yeah I know liberal rag, but you have to keep up with the enemy). These groups are now fighting to eliminate the use of ethanol because it is not as environment friendly as they sold us on 30 years ago.

    1. Anon - That makes sense really. Liberal progressive rarely if ever think thing through or see the consequences of the actions they demand.

  7. The best speech I ever listened to about the current political chaos and the best reason to vote for Trump can be found on YouTube by searching "The Napoleon of the current year" by Richard Spencer. I found it originally at Sipsey Street.

  8. Your see through the smoke and mirrors. The welfare system is not the answer but it sure gets more votes for the politicians that "Support" the poor.

  9. most homeless in the UK are male and most in the younger age group, being male they are not eligible for housing a sign of the times
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