
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sorry SO Quiet

Was running hard all day Saturday and today and did not get a chance to make a post. Got the hives done and honey pulled from them and that was about it besides.... you guess it... More mowing.

Anyway I will catch up tomorrow.


  1. We have had a week of horrible thunder storms. Three of the storms dropped more than 2" in under and hour.


    1. We are still getting rain about everyday although it is usually over night lately. Still it's adding up and the humidity is out of control making it almost impossible to get anything done without becoming dripping wet and worn out in record time.

      Also all this rain means I have to mow like once a week and with three places I mow that is half my week right there.

  2. no worries buddy! we know that you are up to your eyebrows in work, mowing, bee stuff, lambs and stray cats! just catch us up when you can!

    sending much love! your friend,

  3. I'm looking forward to a full report on pulling honey. I did this for the first time on Saturday and didn't realize how much time it took. Two hives = four hours for two and a half people.

    1. Reallyroscoe - I have a standard post I rehash for honey extraction day.I may need to repost it again and edit it a bit :)

  4. Summertime is taking its toll on all of us I think.

  5. Your amazing...your blogs are full of useful and interesting bits and peices and you still hold a job and farm...yeeicks! You shame me! Mind you it is 93 at 9:45 with humidity of 83%....we have been weeding!

  6. PP,

    Quiet is a good thing at times. Take care of family, and then of course don't forget to cut MORE GRASS!


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