
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Martha Stewart Can F%ck Off

One thing that really irks me is when I see some tail end Greatest Generation or early Baby Boomer like Martha Stewart have the nerve to start bashing on Millennials.

Like any generation not all of the Greatest or Boomers were born with a silver spoon in their mouth while holding a first class ticket to a good paying job or career. However what separates the end run Greatest and early boomers from every one else is that more government and private sector jobs were created for them then any other generation in history and when the job creation slacked off they found all sorts of social and PC reasons to make more useless jobs for themselves. At tax payer expense of course. Most of the rest of the world was sent back to the dark ages infrastructure-wise after WWII with over half the work force killed off and had to rebuild both from scratch. While little princesses like Martha (FO) Stewart were busy babysitting baseball stars children and being handed modeling jobs at 50 bucks an hour thanks to mommy and daddy.

Martha Stewart says Millennials are too lazy and lack initiative to be successful

Too many members of “Generation Snowflake” are still living with their parents rather than getting out into the world and making something of their lives, the celebrity businesswoman raged.

Ok Martha. Did you get this much wisdom while sitting in jail? You know since YOU got to actually pick the prison you served your hard time of like 2 months at?

People like Martha have been coddled and groomed for their so called success their entire lives.  Riding on the backs of their own parents but yet making sure they put bumper stickers on their cars that claim they are spending their children's inheritance. Crying and voting for all types of political correct garbage that destroy the futures and prospects of their own children and then turning around and claiming these kids are lazy when they can't even get a job unless they are the right color?

The shamelessness of self centered hags like this woman is enough to make you balk.

They champion unsustainable social issues that assure their children and grand children are going to go broke paying for them then can't even be bothered to have enough children themselves to help pay for it. Old Martha couldn't even be bothered to have more than one child and even replace herself and her husband of course.

Then to help pay for all this high living and easy money they import the unwanted from the third world and make them directly compete with the few native children that are born. Not only that they make it legal to discriminate against the native kids and give bonuses to companies and institutions that do so.

Then she has the nerve to bash Millennials? Does she even acknowledge her and her generations own faults that have lead to the economic travesty they expect Millennials to grow up under today?

People like this woman make me sick. I know old Martha won't have any issues as she falls further into geriatric senility, she has plenty of cash to pay someone to take care of her. Yet many just like her but lower on the economic food chain are in for a rude awakening as they try and off load tons of ill gotten assets to pay for their 50+ year retirements.......

They didn't leave enough for the Millennials to make it and so there won't be anyone around to buy those assets when it's time to sell. Old Juan and Azzeeem ain't gonna take care of ya for free either.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!



  1. Errrmmmmm....? PP? The Mohave Rat is holding on Line 2! HAR HAR HAR!

    You're darn right about all of it. My parents are from that generation. Mom has a grade 12 education. Pop got grade 10. Both got high paid gubbermint jobs for life, lived as upper middle class, and they look down their nose at us kids and our kids. Pop bought his first house when he was 23. I was 33. My daughter (ahem, who has her own demons to contend with and is the embodiment of Generation Snowflake) - well... she will NEVER own her own home. Here retirement planning consists of hoping to inherit all our chit when we die. Even if she had done everything right in life, though - she would still have a steeper uphill battle than the boomers ever had.

    I just laugh when they sit around pissing and moaning about their lot in life. Most of them aren't worth a hill of beans either and I'm glad guys like you have the courage to say so.

    1. Glen - The big difference between my rants and the dried up rodent are that I am fairly consistent from one day to the next and with rants like this I really have no dog in the fight. What do I really care if old greedy hags bash on Millennials since I am neither? That arid rodent fellow just wants to keep his gimmes coming in.

  2. testify brother!!

    while she isn't necessarily wrong she and her ilk ARE the cause - if i were 25 today i would be totally all wtf... why bother??

    in the meantime as us that in-between age we will start to drift off into our hermit cave leaving the people she derides to keep the lights on ... good luck!!

    i don't knwo how many people i met form her generation that were RECRUITED out of college.. never once had to look for a job.. &*^*()^%)*^&*)!!!

    as you say, keep on prepping - we are gonna need it!!!

    1. Jamby - ANother thing I have noted form many of them. They came from small companies started by their grand parents that then sold out to larger ones that included new jobs for them. Then they have the nerve to claim they worked and struggled their way up.

      Guess it was a really tough initial interview process :)

  3. The boomers are sweating bullets because the sweet life looks like its going to shrink up in their silver years. Thus the tea party fairly quickly got coopted by boomers who hate government except for social security and Medicaid.

    Being born just after the boomers, but really before X, I never had any of the fun, had all the headaches, and all the senior positions are taken up with boomers, and three major busts (1990s, 2001, 2008) to contend with.

    I do ok, but its a much shakier work place than it used to be.

    1. In defense of the boomers who "hate government, except for Social Security and Medicaid;" these people were FORCED to pay into these systems. They didn't have a choice; only a "promise" that they would be able to recoup this money in their later years. One can't blame them for wanting to get that money back, being they put that money in; especially since there seems to always be enough money for illegal immigrants, "refugees," "Affirmative Action," and welfare bums. If you want to blame someone for the boomers "coopting" the Tea Party, blame the people who raped the Social Security "trust fund." I'm a "tail-end" boomer (1961). I'll most likely NEVER see a penny of the many thousands of dollars that were stolen from my paycheck!

      As for "all the senior positions (being) taken up with boomers;" well... they were there first. What are they supposed to do when their retirement funds magically evaporate due to an economic collapse; just roll over and let you have their jobs? If they can't afford to retire, they have to keep on working. You can blame that one on the kids. In most cultures, it's childrens' duty take care of their parents. In the U.S, it seems the parents have a duty to hand over the keys to the vault and die...

      I will agree with you on one of your points; the boomers got America at its apex. It indeed sucks to be on the downhill slide of a great civilization...

    2. Pete - I really don't count the 60's or event he late late 50's as boomer children as much. It has been my observation that those born from about 58 to 64 are int he same boat with the same general attitude as the early X'rs.

      It's not so much that I look down on the Greatest and Boomer types for attempting to grab what they could or expecting to get paid back. Of course I have paid almost as much as them but funny enough the line for making the sacrifices keeps getting put in front of me now not the boomers. However it irks me greatly when one of them like Stewart tried to place the blame on the Millennials and accept none for herself.

  4. Don't forget the Korean War generation between the "greatest generation" and the "boomers". As a boomer, I never had a government job except for three years in the military with one of those year in the infantry in RVN. In addition to the economic "busts" that you mentioned above you can add the Carter bust years and another in the last half of the 80's. The business cycle is a bitch and we're about to enter another. Brace for impact once again. And for your own good, do keep your money out of banks for this bust.

    1. Indy - Not everyone from those generations had it easy. I do not deny that. Still more of them did than any other generation got to. It just chaps my ass to hear someone like Stewart try and play like she actually worked for a living.

  5. Dennis

    I am a boomer and because of mental health issues, I have only worked 30% of my work adult live. I entered the work force during the depression of the early 1980s and did not get any handouts. Do not start wailing on the boomers just because of some people. Please remember that some of the Boomers wanted their kids to have a better life then they had. Second, do not disrespect Veterans. Especially those who fought in wars that were forgotten or abused by the public on return.

    1. Dennis - Like I said not all boomers were blessed. I admit that. But the ones like Stewart that try and judge while ignoring her own private parent funded elevator just piss me off. As for vets. I honor them all 100%. I will admit that the term seems to be applied to a number of rear area support people I do not believe deserve the title though but it ain't worth splitting hairs over right now.

  6. Sf - I don't think I do either. Of course I guess I may and not know it since I don't generally go to those section :)


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