
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Spoke a Little To Soon

So last night after I got finished making my fear of drought post talking about how hot it's been and how dry the top soil is we got clobbered by a typical June fast moving thunderstorm. Knocked out our power for over an hour and did a number on my computer once again.

All told we got about half an inch of rain over night and most of the day today was overcast and relatively comfortable. Then the clouds moved off and the sun came back with even more humidity to make us suffer under. Tomorrow is suppose to be worse.

However the rain made the first couple of Buckwheat sprouts pop out this evening. Only in the shaded parts that were still damp though so I hope to see more tomorrow. If not I might have to broadcast some more seed as I have noticed the local birds seem to have taken a liking to the tilled strip.

When I got home after my 11 hour shift I settled in to try and fix my computer. It wasn't reading the hard drive for some reason and wouldn't boot up. I got out my spare hard drive and messed around a bit setting the BIOS up to boot from the CD-Rom. Found my copy of Windows and then somehow the thing started working.

At least I can go to bed on time tonight. I think this computer is about on it's last legs though as the main hard drive keeps crapping out on me when something odd happens like the power outage or a fan stops working. Guess it's time to buy the son a new computer so I can get his old one once again.

Oh ya I think this new guy will work out and the slacker/pretender is also worried he may lose some standing with another full time worker coming in. Not only did the new guy catch on to things the pretender was actually talking about how much better he felt and started doing some actual work today too. Perhaps I will be able to go back to part time by the end of this week!!!!

I am so far behind on so much stuff though.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!


  1. computers are great when they work and a real pain in the butt when things go wrong,

  2. I worked with a kid who thought he was untouchable, always late, calling in sick. Management finally had enough, and alot of whining from all of us. He was shown the door. To this day I still worry about losing my job. They can always find someone to do the job, but its the tolerance to BS that makes a good employee. Plus having a brain

  3. The storms are good for the garden but they are tripping our electric fence and last weekend the horses got out which was not good plus one night we lost power for six hours. I think we are expecting big storms again pretty much every day for the next week. But again, good for the garden!

    1. I made my own electric fence protector that was basically a giant spark plug of sorts. When enough electricity went down the wire where the device was it would jump the spark gap and go to ground rather than going in to the electric charger.

  4. Microprocessors are funny. That is BFM Black Box stuff but I do know if you get transient voltages on their main bus their brains scramble... and sometimes they can shake it off and other times it puts them out of commission for good....

  5. I told you it was the hamster man.
    Some peoples kids.
    Have a good one.

    1. miss you stevierayv, you should blog again dude!

  6. Every half-inch of rain is welcome. We had half an inch the first week of June and nothing but upper 90s since. If it wasn't for our rainwater tanks and a pile of woodchip mulch, the garden would be long gone. I worry about the pastures and my small patches of hay and field crops though. Our forecast is always for rain next week.

  7. PP,

    Several weeks ago we were wishing the rain would stop, and now were looking / praying for rain :-)

    I had issues with my computer the last time I down loaded updates to Microsoft, be careful!!

  8. pp:

    how old is your computer, what version is the OS and do you have a surge protector for both the computer and the internet connection??


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