
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Finally Back on Track

Believe it or not I was actually able to leave work after my normal four hour shift today. Not that they wanted to let me go but I told them several weeks ago that today was lamb castration day and I couldn't miss it.

The vet was also early and a couple of the hens discovered they liked raw highland oysters.

I know yuck. And gross too but the vet kept chucking the parts over the fence and the hens kept running after them. One little ram ended up having only one testicle, I asked if we were going to get that one done for half price and the Vet laughed.

We used to do this part ourselves but had one lamb die on us years ago. Since the vet is so reasonable in his charge for this service we decided to just count the cost v. our bottom line and let him do it. Of course his price includes me as the main lamb catcher and holder while he does his job. Let me tell you I was worn completely out by the time we were finished but the now little whethers got the worst end of the deal I think.

After that bit of nasty business I had time to run my overloaded truck and trailer to the new scrap metal place I found. It's about twice as far as the old location but I used to trip to pick some more supplies up for the fence project while I was there.

I noticed something interesting though. Orscheln's farm supply is now carry bee hive equipment!!! Man wish I had known that a month or so ago.

So anyway yes we did get more rain today but I still managed to get something done. Been almost a week since any progress was made around here due to the rain, work and lawn mowing. Felt good to be making some headway once again. We will see if I am back to 12 hour shifts again tomorrow though.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!


  1. Chickens will eat about anything, they are ground vultures. It has to be a relief to get the lamb job done.

  2. We 'did' two of our young males once, but found that the meat they produced later on was a bit strange. So now we leave our males intact and put them in to the freezer before they get up to mischief with the ewes! But if we had the amount of sheep that you do and needed to sell them on as well, then we would get the vet in.

    1. Vera - Ya we end up keeping them long enough that they would get up to mischief before market day. Or a few of the early maturing ones might anyway. The vet charge is pretty reasonable if I am there to do the catching, carrying and holding.

  3. Couldn't you justkeep the frisky young males seperate from the females?


    1. Exile - Well I could separate them in another month or so after weaning but we still keep them to fatten up long enough that the uncut rams might start fighting among themselves too. The vet charge is reasonable enough it actually pays off being able to get those few extra pounds on them before market day.

  4. Too bad to hear about your DIY castration loss. Always a concern in the back of my mind. We do it ourselves. Wife does the surgery, I hold the little guys. A bit bloody but they do seem to recover quite quickly if you don't wait too long.

    Wait, wut? You drop stuff off at a scrap metal place?

    1. John - That mishap was a few years ago but I sure don't want a repeat of it.

      Ya I got rid of some old roof metal, fence wire, part of an old hay ring some bent metal posts and other assorted junk. The crankshaft of y old tractor went too!!!

  5. I can see the chickens running after those treats. That vision make me laugh. Glad you go that done!

    1. XL - It creeped Mrs PP out enough she went down there last night and policed up the remains the hens hadn't gotten too yet and threw them away :)

  6. PP,

    Those 12 hour shifts will get to you. Especially without a break since working on the farm. Glad to hear you found another recycle place to take the stuff you've been hauling.
    It's always good to have a wonderful Vet who takes good care of your critters, and gives you a good rate. This in it's self makes things so much easier.

  7. hey - some of that looks useful - 3 trout for the steel!!!


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