
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Sunday Reading - When the Cure is Worse than the Affliction but Also the Cause

Ben Franklin is attributed with the notion of questioning whether the people could keep a Republic. It is widely believed he was referring to the fact that Republics and Democracies eventually devolve into the citizens voting themselves money and benefits until the government goes broke.

Of course back then the nearest experience they had to real FIAT money was coin clipping of the precious metals and PONZI schemes were just being toyed with. By the time the American Revolution ended however and the original Continentals had been devalued over and over again Bankers and Politicians were getting some ideas that would have been better left in the proverbial Pandora's Box.

Volumes could be (and Have been) written on how we got from point A to point B over the years by much smarter men than I. There were many periods were certain individuals attempted to put us back on a more correct path but ultimately they failed. Sometime in the last half of the 20th century we reached a point of no return so to speak and a perfect combination of loose fiscal policy, social engineering, open immigration, cheap energy and greed all came together to create an environment where any attempt to fix the problem meant more pain and suffering than it would relieve even in the long term.

Literally all the ills are interconnected and sacrificing or eliminating one will mean the downfall of all the others.

If we stop open immigration it will spell doom for financial growth even if most of that growth is made of fairy tale numbers. It would expose us to the true raw figures of an aging society where far too many of our children were sacrificed on the alter of feminism and a "right to chose" and leave us with far too few younger American's to mow the lawns and carry food trays in the retirement homes or staff the hospitals and clinics that need to be at each street corner. Pensions would collapse much faster, government revenues would drop, companies would go broke and bonds rates would soar.

No more bike paths, mass transit schemes or huge bond sales. The horror...

No more student loans which will bring down the multi-trillion dollar education industry which will then destroy communities all over the country. More job loss, more pension loss. You get the idea.

It's all connected. Even if we as a society attack one particular link of the chain it will fall apart. We could eliminate say foreign welfare payments. We don't need those do we? Except how much of that foreign aid really is used for aid and how much is done with the understanding it will be sunk back into US government debt? How many government bonds then come back which then starts the cycle I mentioned earlier all over again.

I could go on but my point is not that there is a better way or that we shouldn't stop open immigration, welfare, government spending etc. My point is to stress that the cure will now hurt us all. Every damned one of us and probably for the rest of our lives. One way or another a link in the chain will come undone and the cycle will start. It has already begun in so many ways as many of the connected links are themselves Black Swan events on their own. Stopping them causes one set of problems but allowing them to continue causes a different set. When one finally lets loose the others will follow right behind.

All we can do is fight political delaying actions that allow us to keep as many rights as possible as things decline and prepare for generational survival that our children and grandchildren will be using long after we are dust. Preserve as much knowledge and tools as we can and prepare against which ever collapse scenario seems to take the lead.

Right now I still think the overall economic collapse scenario is the most likely followed by large scale tribal warfare and perhaps some international intervention/expansion by those countries not hampered by multi-culturalism for the long term. Short term will mean more government control and property seizures however so that scenario has to be addressed first and foremost. Especially if one of the Femocrats of Bernie or the Hag win the election.

Make no mistake the time we find ourselves in right now is the most confusing, interconnected mess in history. I know many great men have proclaimed to find themselves in similar circumstances but all of their periods pale in comparison to what we face today. Never has the world been so small and connected with as many players on stage as we see today. Like any huge game the players that seem large and powerful at first are rarely the ones still standing at the end. We have one shot to save those who come after us so our timing must be perfect.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!


  1. It will eventually be realized to be the second dark age but that will be awhile as no one in control now would admit such a thing. The civilized world has grown soft in many ways including genetically as there are very few meaningful ways these days to thin the herd of stupid. Truly rough times will do that and eventually a new renaissance of some kind will come about. Those who see what is going on can take advantage of it and prosper. I will make beer, grow tobacco and food or what ever it takes.

    1. Sf - I agree. As I said a couple posts back, I still think small agriculture will be the most sought after and needed skills as the decline continues, especially the first decade or so.

  2. i had no idea how intertwined everything is.

    1. DH - Oh the rabbit hole goes much deeper than any of us can really comprehend. A collapse in one area effects the world we jst haven't seen a big enough one yet.

  3. Don't forget that most of the 1st world is so intertwined that a collapse in one country will destroy all of those countries. Hence why the EU is throughing money at greece and why a brexit scares them so much.


  4. We are addressing symptoms of greater problem. Our young people are being turned against us, our culture, our heritage in the schools, in popular culture, in everyday life. The most misguided people become educators. Right and wrong have been redefined.

    1. Buddeshepherd - I agree. It is especially bad in the larger cities and suburbs. Going to be some very messed up people to contend with.

  5. Your point over foreign aid is one I often use here but in a different context. The UK gives away over £12 billion annually, roughly $18 billion. If we cut this we could reduce council tax (property taxes) by 70 percent for every household in the country. Sounds great doesn't it. Yet that money is not raised from taxes it is borrowed and added annually to the national debt.
    The sheer lunacy of borrowing money to give away cannot be understated. If anyone went to their bank and asked for a loan on which there would be little or no return, when they were already heavily in debt and still overspending, would be rightly regarded as a bad bad risk.

    1. Ro - Except is it possible that borrowing that money and having the foreign governments invest it in bonds actually saves money on overall interest rates the government would have to pay otherwise? I can see it working out like that actually as demand keeps the interest rates on bonds low.

    2. I should add... So in a sense by government phony accounting they are actually saving money on paper.

  6. I wonder PP. If the worst comes to pass and we fall to the would-be Stalin's and Hitler's and their like - what of our blogs? Could they undo us in such a scenario?

    I'm sure it wouldn't be all that hard for some competent IT geek to put a face to PP or Glen Filthie... and we have both said things that such men would heartily disapprove of.

    Our rights only exist as long as the other guy decides to be bound by them.


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