
Monday, May 2, 2016

Rocky's Replacement Rooster

So the Women folk finally had their pow-wow and internet shopping fun and decided we needed a new rooster. This time one of those Americauna (or however it's spelled) types. They also got another hen of that breed to go with him. Since it was cold and drizzling rain today I never did get out and take a picture of him so I stole the one above off the internet but it looks a lot like him.

I slowly began introducing the new rooster and hen to the flock this weekend. I kept them in a huge crate inside the coop on the first day. Closed off the coop and let them stretch their legs a bit then let them out into general population at roost time Sunday night. This morning they were just allowed out like all the other birds.

First thing I noticed is this new rooster is not even half the size of the giant Rocky. He is barely, if any, larger than the hens and the girls were not taking any of his shit either. Even the smaller Red Sex-links were not afraid to match him mock peck for mock peck. They also were doing something I never saw Rocky mess around with that included a lot of jumping over each other. If a hen had the rare nerve to resist Rocky's advances he would pounce on them like an eagle eating a mouse while this little rooster seems to take it as a courting ritual or something. After a couple of neck flaring jumps the hens actually seemed to settle into the ritual like it was fun or something and I never even noticed a stray feather flying around before, during or after the whole display.

After a couple of hours this new guy was even out doing the old scratch and call "I found food" routine and attempting to show his usefulness to the hens. His crow is about one tenth the volume of Rocky's, which I hafta admit I kinda liked Rocky's loud "I am in charge" crow and miss it, and sounds like he is attempting to crow with his beak full of rocks or chicken scratch.

I read where these roosters can have a mean streak too so I will keep my eye on him. Like I said roosters are a dime a dozen around here so I won't hesitate to off one and try again until we find one that truly works out for us. The only grumpy animal allowed on this farm besides the ram (And him and I have an understanding) is me thank you very much. There is no reason for a rooster to get aggressive towards humans around here since we treat them very well and give them all the room they could ever possibly want. I could kinda understand if we kept them captive 24 hours a day but honestly except for going down there and opening/closing the door the only interaction we have with the chickens is when they decide mostly. It ain't my fault the hens follow me around like pet dogs and half of em want to hang out on my mom's front porch all day. I can't even start the tractor up without six to eight hens running around all under it and then they follow me where ever I go.

Let me tell you brush hogging and hay cutting/raking is going to be an experience this year. I already had to take an extra long round about path to brush hog the first time to get away from the chickens before engaging the PTO.

Anyway we will see if this new guy works out if not I wonder if his breed tastes any different?

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!!


  1. Sounds like your hens have gone full blown feminist, careful that the party doesn't sign them all up to vote. A dog near here got registered a few years ago as a democrat.
    You might have to figure a new name for him if this keep up.

    1. Sf - I am thinking about calling him Rooster Cogburn since he is dealing with uppity women :)

  2. Those are pretty roosters. I think we need a new ome. Current roosters ammo is nothing but blanks.

    1. JuGM - Ya I am convinced Rocky wasn't actually mating with the hens just being mean to them. I did see this new rooster mount one of the sex-links so we will see.

  3. We have Black Orpington cockerels at the moment, home grown from donated eggs from a friend, and they have turned out to be gentlemen. We have two, one was supposed to go into the freezer but for the moment they seem to have worked out who does what where, and which hens belong to who. Perhaps your cockerel is still quite young and needs to develop his proper voice, but he is pretty and I hope he behaves.

    1. Vera - The people they got him from said he was a year old but we will see. I think he is a bit younger than that so maybe he will grow some.

  4. We had a rooster of this breed once...he was beautiful but came after my DH one times too many. Hubby just happened to have a garbage can lid in his hand when Clyde jumped him and he got clobbered. He was always a little addlepated after that. I was glad when he keeled over as I could never turn my back on him or get between him and one of the hens. Always had to carry a big stick with me; but he did protect the hens from the hawks and eagles, though.

    1. Tewshooz - Well if he gets aggressive he will go down like the last one. I am not going to mess around with a mean rooster. I don't have time to worry about where he is when I am working around the place.

  5. Nice looking Rooster....we are butchering three today, all extra hen aggressive, Two Buff Orpington and the last Buckeye.
    We have 40 hens and the best roosters seem to be the Australorp's. They are good to the hens, run a tight ship, not people aggressive [yet] and when the three delinquents are locked up the flock groups are peaceful, no hens taking shelter on the front stairs. The Buckeye is a fine rooster and heavy for a young bird but holy smoke he is hard on the hens. The Buff's are not as heavy but will gang up on the hens. Interesting breed differences. Good luck with your new guy!

    1. Fiona - I am wondering if maybe we need more than one rooster. Maybe there were just too many for Rocky and his head exploded? Will be interesting to see if this one turns out the same way in time.

    2. We find the Australorps have a "pecking' Order. Shoeless Joe #1 top Rooster. Killer #2 boss and #3 Gentleman Jim who lives up to his name, he is nice to the hens but they don't listen to him as fast as they listen to the other two. There is no fighting between the 3 Australorp Roosters.
      Oh we kept the Buckeye, Lefty, He is on trial though.
      Shoeless Joe beat the tar out of him late yesterday and today he is really being civilized around the hens so maybe there is hope.

  6. Our last rooster is fertilizing the Carob tree at the corner of our property for the same reason as your Rocky met his maker. I wanted to stew the bastard, but we were headed out of town for the weekend, and the rooster had gotten so aggressive I was afraid we'd find dead hens come the following Monday. I just didn't have time to butcher him, so feed the tree he did. We got a new rooster this weekend. Not sure what kind he is; mostly cream colored, with some red feathering around the wings. So far, he's a perfect gentleman, and integrating him was seamless. Good luck with yours.

    1. PF - So far this one is kinda a whimp although he appears to be trying the hens have just become aggressive having to deal with Rocky I guess. Maybe he will eventually grow into the job and be a bit more assertive.

  7. PP - that's a fine looking guy! what's his name?

    u no hoo

    1. Kymber - Been thinking about calling him rooster Cogburn :)

  8. PP,

    Nice looking rooster, I hope he works out as you want him too. Otherwise, I can see him as a package in your freezer.


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