
Monday, April 25, 2016

Tractor Time - A New Flavor

Finally got to hook up the two bottom plow I bought late last fall and plowed up what is ear-marked as this year's Buckwheat plot. I hope I have better luck with it than I did last year.

The ground sure did look good though....

I actually didn't do too bad a job for someone who has never plowed a field before. Managed to only make the rows a little curvy. I plan on plowing this little section a few more times and waiting until about mid-June to sow the seeds this year. Last year I put them in too early and while I got some good sprouts and even some flowering that the bees loved the late rains killed the crop off.

I probably should have used the 861 diesel or the 850 for this plowing job but I didn't want to unhook the post hole drill from the 850 nor risk messing up the half complete paint job on the 861. The old 8N did a fine job. Never hit one rock at all and the soil was just a little moist yet but turned over well. I did find some left over roots from some of the small weed trees that I had removed from this section last year though but the plow went through em like butter. I will plow this section at least another time or two before tilling it next month.

Now I know many of you saw the "Tractor Time" heading and went "OHHHHH YAAAA" so I don't want to leave you Jonesin. Keep in mind however I am doing a daily "Tractor Time"post from the Twitter feed you can find linked to the right as well....

I guess these tractors could pull a plow just as well as the 8N....

This last one might be a bit over powered for a two bottom plow though.

Ain't Spring great!!!!


  1. Our soil is so rocky. I don't think we could plow a foot without hitting rock. Your soil looks excellent.

    1. Lisa - One thing I have to admit we have some damn nice soil here. When I helped bury our ram that died last year the backhoe was down a good 12 foot or more and not one rock was to be seen. The soil is so black and moist for a good 2 foot before getting into the clay hardpan layer too. It is a bit heavy though and keeps water in a bit a too well for some root crops though.

  2. Nonsense! That little Ford will set you up with the finest garden in the land - if you have the time for it. Pop had the same problem you did with his little MF until he learned how to use the dual rear brakes. All ya need now are some diamond harrows and you're off to the races!

    I recommend that instead of buckwheat, you plant tobacco instead! I won't help you with that, but I will be happy to help you smoke it after it has been harvested! ;)

    It's lookin' good, PP!

    1. Glen - I have planted tobacco. I use it as a companion crop with my tomatoes as the hornworms seem to like the tobacco more. Need to work on a good way to ferment small crops of tobacco though.

  3. That ground looks good. I don't think my Ferguson would pull a double bottom through my ground unless I plowed it down the hill. I have to throw the throttle open like I am launching off of an aircraft carrier or something to pull a single bottom. You were watching the tractor girls and got it a little crooked but no matter you will go over it again anyway and it will be easy the next plowing.

    1. SF - Ya lol. I figure straight rows are no biggy anyway since I will be tilling it before planting regardless.

      I can infact dig in a bit too much for the 8N to pull but like I said the soil here is nice and easy to work with as long as it isn't wet.

  4. You could put a flat head ford v-8 in it.

    1. Heh. I could. That little 8N though is completely original equipment however. No way I am going to mess with it. I have had some collectors stop as they drive buy trying to buy her off me since she still has the original hat rims, front rims and 6 volt system in place.

  5. I would recommend disking over the plowing not replowing....just a thought. i used to use a 3 bottom plow with my father and his AR John Deere he bought new in 1946:)

    1. Fiona - A disc would be nice. Problem is I don't have one yet :( Been looking but haven't found a good one to buy yet.

  6. PP,

    When I looked at your picture above I giggled, and wondered how many beers you had.....:P

    Actually, you did a pretty good job for the first time plowing. And your soil does look nice and rich for planting.

    Be safe, weather is changing the next several days.

    1. Sandy - Thanks!!! YA the weather changed here today. We got the rain we needed but it came in like a run away freight train.

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